The Wild Bunch (1969)

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  • [quote='Hawkswill','']Good post Mark. Hadn't read that one yet. True that "reality violence" ruins a film for me.

    Same here for me. I hate seeing a soldier carrying his leg that just got blown off by a land mine etc--just like in SPR--which is why im growing more and more into hating that movie. I do get the "jist" of it when I see a guy clutch his chest after being shot by a MG or a sniper--etc.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • God, save us all.
    I wouldn't pay $10.00 to watch Will Smith shovel my driveway.
    Why doesn't WB just pay him $1,000,000 to go away and restore the original film for another one.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • This reboot has been in the works for some years -- back in 2011 there were stories about director Tony Scott being in talks for a remake. Presumably his death put that on hold (where the idea belonged).

    I will never understand this fetish to remake classics. A movie like The Wild Bunch is lightning in a bottle -- the moment is gone, it can't be recaptured.

    I guess it's nice that someone still thinks that the name "The Wild Bunch" still has enough cachet that it will put bums on seats. A much more preferable option would be to license a DCP of the original to an outfit like Fathom Events so they can screen it in theaters as a special one-time event.

    Meanwhile, Will Smith's 15 year old kid Jaden wants to be legally emanicipated from mom and dad:…mancipated/6561368539285/

  • Thought I posted this yesterday......showed I did, must have gotten lost somehow. Anyway, don't know if this is on here somewhere, but thought I would send it for certain fans, just in case. Got an email from Mike Siegal about doing the review for Scott's Three Bad Men. I had sent him a picture of me and David Janssen because I was telling him of my collaboration with Chris helping him fill in David's timeline and him sending me some never seen pics of David playing golf with our buddy Jack Quigley. So, this is the mail he sent back:

    Hi Keith,

    I'm a bit behind with my mail, we have nightmarish weather conditons.
    It is extremely hot + unbelievable heavy rains. Our basement was
    flooded twice in a matter of 10 days. Heavy damage.

    I'll be back..

    But the answer is YES, of course I will review it. As long as
    'real' books exist, I won't touch an e-book, PDF or what have you.
    It's just not for me, I just have too much respect for books and the printed
    word. To me it would be like watching Lawrence Of Arabia on a smart phone..

    Somehow I'm sure I have one or two of Scott's books here. Karloff maybe, I have to check---

    Thanks for the picture! You surely are the most beautiful Keith I ever saw!


    PS: My book on Peckinpah is in German language. But I made a feature length documentary
    in English language about him, which also played at US festivals..
    My first English book was published in the US two years ago, 'Steve McQueen - The Actor & His Films'.

    here's me at the Mexican location for THE WILD BUNCH:

    Don't know why the URL way won't work anymore.....can't make photobucket work either. I had taught Bill, (Gorch), the new way at first, but now, he can't make it work either. Talked to him on the phone last night.......he says he had just about quit......too much trouble. Well, I hate to see the little numbers on the picture, but I can't get it in any other way. If any of yall know the secret, I would be happy to know. Also really miss Bill's pictures. Thanks, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE