New forum user- locations north and south

There are 14 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 5,288 times. The latest Post () was by William T Brooks.

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  • Hi,
    I am a new user to this board. My wife and I are very lucky to to live in work in two locations that were frequented by the Duke during his lifetime.
    In the summer, we live and work at Big Lake, Arizona, not too far from where John Wayne owned and operated a cattle ranch in Eagar, Arizona.Rick, the owner of the boat renatl concession at the lake, has stories and pictures of John Wayne fishing and camping at the lake.
    In the winter we live and work at the Triangle T Guest Ranch, in Dragoon, Arizona. The place where John Wayne stayed during the filming of several movies which were filmed at the ranch and at other locations in Texas Canyon. He had his own cabin built on the ranch, and we have restored it. It is available for guests to stay in.
    The first movie that we know of which was filmed here with the Duke was 'West of the Divide'.
    Anyone with more information is welcome to contact me and help me to piece together more of the history of the ranch.(please)

  • Bryan,

    WELCOME to the Original John Wayne Message Board!! As far as we are concerned, it is the finest, friendliest message board anywhere, dedicated to our man, John Wayne. We have a very knowledgeable membership base, on all things John Wayne (and that knowledge extends far beyond that, to all areas of life!).

    How exciting to have you join us! And how exciting to you, to live and work in locations that have a direct connection to Duke! We would love to hear any stories you can share. You might want to be in touch with ChiliBill (user name William T Brooks), who was an extra in some of Duke's movies in the late forties, and who has extensive knowledge of the 26 Bar Ranch in Eagar.

    Again . . . Welcome to you, and we look forward to getting to know you better in the days and weeks to come!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Hi trianglet

    WELCOME to The Original JWMB.

    Please take a look around,
    we're a friendly bunch of folks,
    and there is a wealth of information to see,
    regarding the great man.

    Im sure our Chillbill, will be able to help you.

    You may find these links useful:-

    John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke

    Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hello trianglet

    Welcome I am sure I am not the only onelLooking forward to seeing some of those pictures and reading those stories you mentioned.

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • We're new to your Forum and look forward to participating and also learning. Before we moved to CA Jack moonlited in security at Old Tucson from the Pima County Sheriff's Office during the filming of "Rio Bravo" and later when I worked as an "extra" in McLintock. We'd look forward to seeing postings here from anyone else who has worked on any of the John Wayne sets.
    A brief "McLintock" webpage is here:

    Best wishes,
    Jan and Jack

    Very Best,
    OT Xtras[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT]

  • Hello to Jan and Jack and to Bryan as well.

    Looks like we have a few more "stars" in our mix of people. Cannot wait to hear a few stories from you guys.

    Welcome to the forum!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hello and welcome to the forum. Well, get tellin' those stories! We are all ears and thirsty for more stuff about Duke. :teeth_smile: And firsthand stories are always the best.

    Make yourselves at home.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hello Jan and Jack - Welcome to our band of happy campers. Thank you for posting those pictures and stories. We now have someone besides Chilibill who appeared in a John Wayne movie which is great!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hello, Jay, DukeFan, Arthur, Ethan, and SXViper . . .

    . . . and thank you for the Welcome!

    Being new to Forums in general we'll be stumbling 'round getting used to your Format but so far are humbled by all the friendliness and helpfulness we see in your postings. Will add some profile as we get adjusted.

    Some photos I've uploaded of 'extra' work are on an expanded website here:
    Will post this website link on the Profile page as the photos are of Western films we've worked in at Old Tucson & Mescal but not exclusively John Wayne related.

    Thank you again for the Welcome. Will look forward to learning from all of you!

    Jan (and Jack, too!)

    Very Best,
    OT Xtras[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT]

  • Jan and Jack,

    We'd like to add our belated welcome to you!

    WELCOME to the Original John Wayne Message Board! We hope your time here will be happy and long, and we, like the others, look forward to hearing about your experiences!

    And don't worry about stumbling around - we all did for the first few days and weeks. But as you can see, we are a friendly, helpful bunch and you can be sure someone will jump in to give you a hand when you need it.

    Again . . . Welcome!!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Welcome Jack, Jan and Bryan, can't wait to hear all the good stuff. I am now pulling up my chair, getting comfortable, holding my drink and ready to absorb all the fun!! Welcome! :hyper:

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."

  • Bryan, I will be at Duke's Old 26 Bar Ranch This Weekend to Check on My Water Pipes at my house that is just 100 yards behind the Main Ranch House. They say it is Getting Cold over at Eagar !!!
    Great to have You Aboard.