Happy thanksgiving to all our American Duke fans on this board, I hope you all have a great day.
Incidentally what date is thanksgiving on?
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Happy thanksgiving to all our American Duke fans on this board, I hope you all have a great day.
Incidentally what date is thanksgiving on?
Let's eat!! (Kiwi Bird is all we have here on the board so it'll have to do!)
QuoteDisplay MoreOriginally posted by Robbie@Nov 23 2006, 07:40 AM
Incidentally what date is thanksgiving on?
Thanksgiving is set for the second to the last day of November.
Hey Everyone
Have a great Thanksgiving. Stay safe and have fun
Have a happy Turkey Day
Happy Thanksgiving from the Russia too.
I'd just like to say, I am very thankful for all the friends I have met and made here on the greatest John Wayne message board in the world.
Happy Thanksgiving To All of You!
Best Always,
Colorado Bob
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all. We in the states look forward to this every year and it is something we are grateful for. To the rest of the world, we hope that you are thankful in something in your life.
Take Care Cheers B) Mike a.k.a. Hondo Duke Lane
QuoteOriginally posted by Robbie@Nov 23 2006, 04:40 AM
Incidentally what date is thanksgiving on?[snapback]37180[/snapback]
. . . in 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a national day of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving was proclaimed by every president after Lincoln. The date was changed a couple of times, most recently by Franklin Roosevelt, who set it up one week to the next-to-last Thursday in order to create a longer Christmas shopping season. Public uproar against this decision caused the president to move Thanksgiving back to its original date two years later. And in 1941, Thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday, as the fourth Thursday in November.
Just thought you'd like to know .
Mrs. C
Moderators-please leave this message here.
The reason for this post is to inform you that im having tons of problems trying to reply to PMs and etc--that are long ones. Kevin has been kind enough to keep checking into this for me and we have agreed that it is probably the security setting the library has on their computers.
Im so frustrated at not being able to reply to some PMs etc, and make long postings--that I feel like Dr David? Banner changing into the Incredible Hulk--after being made angry somehow. I am gnashing my teeth in frustration right now at not being able to reply to some of Cindy's PMs and other stuff that I used to be able to do--not so long ago.
Best regards--Carl.
Ringo, if you have something to tell me, you got my number. Give me a call.
Ringo, if you have something to tell me, you got my number. Give me a call.
Much appreciated my friend ;-))
I fully understand your frustration. I have had some of the pms I was trying to send just disappear. I will hit send and think it's going to go through, then the much hated screen comes up saying Cannot find, etc....I already told you about one I sent to you where I had to delete half of it because it said it was too big. The night GT was telling me about your library losing power, one of the pms I wrote to him was lost and I did not write it again. You have my email address so it might be less stressful to just use that when communicating with me. There's a lot going on in my life at this time so if I don't get right back to you, fear not...And I will certainly let all of my friends here know before I leave town...
I am really sorry that you're upset, Carl....Smile for me...
How does email work at the library? If that works, send us a brief email via the board with your email address included, and perhaps we can communicate that way.
Sorry you're having such problems! I can understand your frustration!! Computers - you love 'em, you hate 'em!!
Chester and the Mrs.
The library might also be using a word scanning program that scans for certain words and then cuts off the transmission of such words or messages. Kind of like Net Nanny... your in a bad spot having to use a library computer. I heard on the news yesterday that Dell is going to work out a deal with Walmart to sell their computers. You might be able to pick up a fairly decent unit for under $500 in the near future. I think computer sales are down so they found another outlet for their smaller computers. I had a friend get a decent laptop the other day for $800 from them. I might have to look downstairs, I may have an older computer down there.
I did some hunting in the basement. And found my old computer. What if I told you I had a:
Dell Dimension 8100
Pentium 4 1.3 GHz
256 KB Cache
6 GB Hard Drive
Linksys 10/100 Ethernet Card
NVidia GeForce2 MX/MX Video 400
Dell Wireless Keyboard/Mouse
Dell E772c 15" Monitor
No Sound Card or Modem
Windows XP Home
It's not much, but you could get a bigger hard drive. The original one crapped out on me. I stuck this one in the basement when I got my new one about 2 years ago. It's your for the taking. I was just going to scrap it eventually. It would surf the Internet with no restrictions.
I have a hard drive laying around that I would be able to get rid of. I am not sure of the size right now as I would have to dig for it but I think its in the 10-15 gig range. It might even be a 25 gig as I put my old 80 gig in my kids computer after I went to 250 gig on my new computer. Let me know Carl.
Ringo, if you have something to tell me, you got my number. Give me a call.
Carl - same goes for me!
I need to do a new system specs list since I added a couple things that I found around the house.
Dell Dimension 8100
Pentium 4 1.3 GHz
256 KB Cache
6 GB Hard Drive
Linksys 10/100 Ethernet Card
NVidia GeForce2 MX/MX Video 400
Generic PS2 Keyboard/Mouse
Samsung DVD Drive
Dell E772c 15" Monitor
Creative Labs Sound Card
Altec Lansing Speakers
USB Media Hub (Compact Flash, SD and MMC)
Windows XP Home
Belkin Wireless Router
Cyberlink PowerDVD Decoding Software
The 6 GB hard drive is holding the OS and basics, if Viper wanted to send that other hard drive I could install it and it would be your secondary hard drive.
Just to let you know I just got done testing everything. It all seems to be working fine. You could use another hard drive. You should be able to access the Internet as is. It will fit in 3 boxes. One for the monitor, one for the computer and the 3rd for the rest of the items. I just tested the DVD drive with The Cowboys.
I am so overwhelmed at the response I am seeing here by Carl's friend's...All of you are really special....Can't wait for Carl to see this!
I second what Cindy says. You guys are awesome. What a group of people we have here
Sorry that I didn't know about you situation fully. I will be glad to contact you any way I can, and maybe we can come up with a great solution as well. Tell me how you want to communicate with me and we'll get started.
I understand your frustration and I know there is a lot of people here who want to help. Take care my friend.
oh, I forgot........... Cheers