The Top Movies of 1939

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  • I had a post to what your favorite 1939 movies were. I found a site that listed the top movies. Top Movies of 1939.

    Here is the list of 24 movies.

    1. Gone With the Wind
    2. The Wizard of Oz
    3. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
    4. The Four Feathers
    5. Wuthering Heights
    6. Bachelor Mother
    7. Destiny Rides Again
    8. Goodbye Mr. Chips
    9. Gunga Din
    10. The Hound of Baskervilles
    11. Only Angels Have Wings
    12. Love Affair
    13. Ninotchka
    14. Son of Frankenstein
    15. The Women
    16. Dark Victory
    17. Young Mr. Lincoln
    18. Intermezzo: A Love Story
    19. Drums Along the Mohawk
    20. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
    21. Stagecoach
    22. Babes in Arms
    23. Another Thin Man
    24. Gulliver’s Travels

    I know that the first three would be the best three, but I don't know about the next few, and most of all having Stagecoach at 21. These were some of the best movies that I know of. I don't know if this site is official or fan voting. I didn't do that much research, but I will look into it, and tell you what I find.

    What are your comments?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

    1. Gone With the Wind
    2. The Wizard of Oz
    3. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
    4. The Four Feathers
    5. Wuthering Heights
    6. Bachelor Mother
    7. Destiny Rides Again
    8. Goodbye Mr. Chips
    9. Gunga Din
    10. The Hound of Baskervilles
    11. Only Angels Have Wings
    12. Love Affair
    13. Ninotchka
    14. Son of Frankenstein
    15. The Women
    16. Dark Victory
    17. Young Mr. Lincoln
    18. Intermezzo: A Love Story
    19. Drums Along the Mohawk
    20. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
    21. Stagecoach
    22. Babes in Arms
    23. Another Thin Man
    24. Gulliver’s Travels

    The ones in red are films I have seen. I knew 1939 was a big year for movies. Stagecoach was up against some stiff competition.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • I've seen:

    1. Gone With the Wind
    2. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
    3. Stagecoach
    4. The Wizard of Oz
    5. Drums Along the Mohawk
    6. Young Mr. Lincoln
    7. Destiny Rides Again
    8. Son of Frankenstein
    9. Dark Victory

    I'm not sure about the others, but must say that I like all listed above. Out of the 9 I' ve seen, I would pick the order above in that order.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

    1. Stagecoach
    2. Young Mr. Lincoln
    3. Ninotchka
    4. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
    5. Gone With the Wind
    6. Wuthering Heights
    7. Drums Along the Mohawk
    8. The Hound of Baskervilles
    9. The Wizard of Oz
    10. Son of Frankenstein

    My order for what I've seen, as well as I remember. Ford did two great movies that year, plus Drums along the Mohawk which is far below his usual level. I can't stand The Wizard of Oz.

    I don't believe in surrenders.

  • I have never heard of these movies:
    The Hound of Baskervilles
    Love Affair
    The Women
    Intermezzo: A Love Story
    Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (I haven't seen this version in 1939)
    Babes in Arms
    Another Thin Man
    Gulliver’s Travels (I haven't seen this version in 1939)

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi Mike

    Babes in Arms is a Laurel and Hardy comedy I personally can't stand either one of them so no comment.

    Ninotchka one of Garbo's final films

    Gullivers Travels if I am right is a cartoon version of the Swift Story which if you haven't seen it is magical and still stands up today. However I am biased because it is one of my favourite cartoons.



  • Gullivers Travels if I am right is a cartoon version of the Swift Story which if you haven't seen it is magical and still stands up today. However I am biased because it is one of my favourite cartoons.

    Arthur, when you said it was a cartoon, I realized I have seen it! I really enjoyed seeing it when I was a child, and have fond memories of it, especially when Gulliver is tied down by the Lilliputians, and then just snaps the ropes like they're paper!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Reading these posts, I realize that this is a great year for movies. It might be the best year ever for the silver screen. I didn't even mention that Duke's other 1939 movie was Alleghany Uprising. I know that this movie was the best or even a top box office smash, but I did like it, and it did have Clair Trevor casted in this movie as well.

    So maybe before I comment any futher that Stagecoach was ripped off as a top movie, I should watch some of the others listed.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi

    There was also a series of stamps issued to commeorate the films of 1939 Duke was there with Stagecoach as was Gone With The Wind, The Wizard of Oz and I think Gary Cooper for Beau Geste, although i could be wrong.I think this may have been brought up in a much earlier thread.



  • I don't know what it was all about in 1939, but we were just starting to get out of the Big Depression and the Brits were going to War in the Big One, and the U.S. would soon Follow !
    I was about 8 Years Old and there was always a Great Movie to See on the Weekends and Grandmother would always take My Buddies and I to see them !
    In those days it took 25 Cents to get in the Old Fox Theater, and a Bag of Popcorn was 10 Cents and a Drink was 10 Cents !!
    There was always Two Films, Cartoons and The News of The Day but always a Few Days Late, and Going To The Movies would take up the whole Day !!!


  • That sounds like fun, Bill. I know the American Movie was a part of the culture at that time, and has been for the next 25 years, but something happened to that tradition. Was it TV, or something else?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Has anyone seen a better year in movies than 1939? It would be interesting to see if there is any year better than that one.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote