2009 John Wayne Birthday Celebration

There are 36 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 65,959 times. The latest Post () was by William T Brooks.

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  • UPDATE June 7, 2009 - Well, the party's over, everybody has returned home. I know that I had a real wonderful time in Winterset, getting to meet several of our members face to face for the first time (kilo6 - Murray, BILL of PA - Bill, Wayne - Wayne Davis of the Birthplace Society, downes - Brian Downes of the Birthplace Society, and new member Coach3 - I apologize that I don't remember his name). It was fun to get together with Jeff (member John Wayne Impersonator) again, having met him at the Dean Smith Celebrity Rodeo a few years ago. I enjoyed all the activities, the beautiful area of Madison County and being with so many John Wayne fans at one time. In addition to posting pictures on Flickr, I have also posted some in an album here on the JWMB (there are only a few duplicates between the two). I'm hoping to share a few stories in the next few days.

    Update on May 13, 2009, from Wayne Davis of the John Wayne Birthplace ~

    Quote from Wayne

    And the news just keeps on coming! Now at the FREE 5pm indoor showing of True Grit on Saturday, May 30th, join legendary Paramount producer and long-time John Wayne friend A. C. Lyles and Duke’s personal costumer Luster Bayless for an animated discussion about the making of True Grit.

    Complete information is available at http://www.johnwaynebirthplace.org/birthday

    Update on May 11, 2009, From Wayne Davis of the John Wayne Birthplace ~

    Update on April 16, 2009, from Wayne Davis, of the John Wayne Birthplace ~

    February 14, 2009~
    I received the following information from Brian Downes, the Executive Director of the John Wayne Birthplace in Winterset, Iowa.


    Lots happening here at the Birthplace. We've just announced our 2009 John Wayne Birthday Celebration which we are calling "Duke & the Ladies." We'll salute the 50th anniversary of Rio Bravo with big screen showings both indoors and out. Our exclusive $100 fund raiser will also include dinner and an all-girl musical line-up featuring country & western music legend Lynn Anderson. While supplies last, we'll also distribute deluxe DVDs of Rio Bravo along with some other surprises.

    The event for the general public will also include movies, Old West Mercantile, food and additional musical entertainment by "the Ladies." For details, go to http://www.johnwaynebirthplace.org.

    This past Saturday [January 31] Grand Ole Opry star and member of the Country Music Hall of Fame Bill Anderson stopped by with his entire band and enjoyed a leisurely visit. We are hoping Glen Campbell will stop by in March.

    It sure would be great if some of our members who live close enough could attend this event!

    Chester :newyear:

  • That's pretty exciting that Dean Martin's daughter will be attending.

    Is anyone from here going to be there?


  • That's pretty exciting that Dean Martin's daughter will be attending.

    Is anyone from here going to be there?


    I cannot attend this year.....I will be out of town for work the week before. And at this time I count it a blessing to be able to have work get in the way with so many people losing there jobs.

    It looks like a good time though and I hope they have a good showing.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • There's been some NEW stuff added for the John Wayne Birthday Celebration in Winterset, Iowa on May 29th & 30th.

    FREE big-screen showings of "True Grit" have been added on Saturday, May 30th at 11am and 5pm. These two will be shown indoors in the new Jackson Community Building at the Madison County Fairgrounds. Special Edition DVDs of the film will be available at the showings.

    New for the special VIP Event and Dinner on Friday is an auction of special gift sets and John Wayne-related collectibles, including the following:

    • Commemorative John Wayne knife from Case
    • Longaberger Gift Basket
    • Famous Dave’s sauces and gift card
    • Framed oversized print of American Cowboy magazine’s commemorative Rio Bravo cover
    • Bradford Exchange illuminated John Wayne stained glass wall decor art (23" x 11.25")
    • Set of 4 tickets to the Cody, WY Nite Rodeo
    • Sideshow Collectibles John Wayne True Grit and Flying Tigers figurines
    • Stagecoach and True Grit ceramic cookie jars
    • Hand-signed autographed movie photos from some of Duke’s famous leading ladies, including:


    • Maureen O’Hara
    • Angie Dickinson
    • Constance Towers
    • Linda Cristal
    • Ann-Margret
    • Barbara Streisand (with Best Actor Oscar)

    [/INDENT]and more. This is in addition to everything else that's going on (Lynn Anderson and more for the VIP event and Dinner; FREE Western marketplace, music, Dean Martin's daughter Deana, and a free outdoor high-def big screen showing of "Rio Bravo"). It's going to be a fun weekend not to be missed. Full details can be found at http://www.johnwaynebirthplace.org/birthday

    Wayne Davis
    The Birthplace of John Wayne

  • And the news just keeps on coming! Now at the FREE 5pm indoor showing of True Grit on Saturday, May 30th, join legendary Paramount producer and long-time John Wayne friend A. C. Lyles and Duke’s personal costumer Luster Bayless for an animated discussion about the making of True Grit.

    Complete information is available at http://www.johnwaynebirthplace.org/birthday
    Wayne Davis
    Birthplace of John Wayne

  • Wayne,

    THANK you for the continuing updates!! I'm getting real excited!

    Jeffrey Sutherland (a new-ish member here, who I met at the Dean Smith Celebrity Rodeo four years ago) and I will be flying to Des Moines the morning of May 29th, and will meet up with Murray (kilo6) and his cousin to attend the VIP dinner that evening!

    Reading all of Wayne's updates has me looking forward even more to being there!!!

    Mrs. C has too many work, school, and kid responsibilities to be able to attend, but is sending me with her blessing.

    Chester :newyear:

  • We're headin' out the door so the Mrs. can take me to the airport, with my final destination being Des Moines, Iowa, a mere 40 minute drive to Winterset, Iowa, where I will be dining tonight with Murray (kilo6), Jeff Sutherland, and Murray's cousin. I expect to hook up with Bill of PA while I'm there, and if any other members make it there, send my wife a PM with a cell number, and she'll get it to me. I'd love to connect with any of our members who might be there!

    Looking forward to a GREAT weekend with a bunch of Duke fans!! I'll report back next week (I'm returning home Monday night), and I'll keep the Mrs. posted as well.

    Chester :newyear:

  • We're headin' out the door so the Mrs. can take me to the airport, with my final destination being Des Moines, Iowa, a mere 40 minute drive to Winterset, Iowa, where I will be dining tonight with Murray (kilo6), Jeff Sutherland, and Murray's cousin. I expect to hook up with Bill of PA while I'm there, and if any other members make it there, send my wife a PM with a cell number, and she'll get it to me. I'd love to connect with any of our members who might be there!

    Looking forward to a GREAT weekend with a bunch of Duke fans!! I'll report back next week (I'm returning home Monday night), and I'll keep the Mrs. posted as well.

    Chester :newyear:

    Have a fun, safe trip Chester.....Check out the bridges if Madison county while you are there as well. Take lots of pictures!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Have a great time there, Jim. And as Todd stated, don't forget to take a few pictures for those of us less fortunate souls who live too darn far away. Be safe, my friend.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • "Live" report via phone, from Jim to Mrs. C -

    Message board members kilo6, Jeff Sutherland, Bill of PA, Joe Zuke and Chester all attended the VIP dinner tonight, as well as the auction that followed.

    One of the highlights of the auction was the sale of 3 photos of John Wayne with Maureen O'Hara, which had been recently signed by Ms. O'Hara for the auction, which sold for between $4000 and $6000. Another photo, of Duke and Barbara Striesand when she presented him with his Academy Award, and signed by Ms. Striesand, sold for $3000.

    A nice variety of other things sold at auction as well.

    Lynn Anderson was present to entertain with a nice selection of songs.

    We had some business cards made up and the guys are handing out them out; they look like this -

    Jim ended the call because it was time for the movie to start.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Another update, this time from Jeff's perspective - they are "all having a ball at the birthplace of John Wayne, on the anniversary of his birth."

    They all enjoyed dinner together, and Jeff says that Murray and his cousin "are delightful, real fun guys."

    Auction - one couple bought ALL the Duke/Maureen O'Hara pictures!!

    Lynn Anderson - great singer!

    Dean Martin's daughter, Deana, was there for the showing of Rio Bravo.

    The guys got to talk to Ms. Anderson and Ms. Martin and take pictures and get autographs!

  • Here's a little more about tonight's event . . .

    Each attendee at the VIP dinner received a special "goodie" bag with the following -

    John Wayne beef jerky

    Special Collectors edition of True Grit DVD
    2-disc Special Edition of Rio Bravo DVD

    several magazines - 2008 Guide to the National Finals Rodeo
    June 2009 True West
    Two copies of American Cowboy (January 2009 and June/July 2009)

    An envelope from the Birthplace musuem containing a button with JW's face on it, a "100 years of John Wayne" coin from May 2007, and a picture postcard of the Birthplace house.

    It sounds like they are having a really good time, and Jim has really appreciated meeting other members of our message board in person!

    I'll report more, as they call with more!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Sounds like this would have been the year to be there. I am working tonight so I guess that it wouldn't have worked out anyways. Glad they are having a good time. I have been there twice and the last time was the 100th celebration.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I was at a Little League baseball game this morning, but have shared a few phone calls with Jim through the day.

    He just called a few minutes ago - I could hear Deana Martin (Dean's daughter) singing in the background, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" at the fairgrounds (she sings pretty well). There have been some other enjoyable performances going on at the local fairgrounds, and there will be a 5 PM showing of True Grit on the big screen!!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • So Chester got home LATE Monday night, and left Tuesday afternoon to head to Oregon to deal with some business related to our property, and I have been swamped with Boy Scouts, Little League, and end-of-school-year-related work stuff . . . . On top of all that, I was having some trouble with the computer and having a terrible time downloading pictures from Winterset.

    I finally got a bunch of them downloaded to Flickr, and you can see them here.
    (Here's a link to the photos in a slide show.)

    In the meantime, here are a couple of highlights (these are included in the Flickr album) -

    pictures 038.jpg
    At the VIP dinner Friday night, May 29th (many thanks to Murray for making that possible!) - from left to right - Murray's cousin Lorrie (if that isn't spelled correctly, let me know and I'll fix it :photo:), Murray (kilo6), Jim (Chester7777) and Jeff (John Wayne Impersonator)
    pictures 112.jpg
    Jeff, Bill (Bill of PA), and Jim
    pictures 076.jpg
    Our message board's brick on the walkway to the the Birthplace museum (NO, that's not the tile which our message board purchased collectively, which will be on the walkway between the new Learning Center and the birthplace house). The brick was purchased last summer.
    pictures 106.jpg
    Jeff performing his rendition of John Wayne's "America, Why I Love Her"

    I know once Jim's rested up from his long drive back from Oregon, he can probably persuaded to share some stories from his trip to Winterset. I hope Murray and Jeff will share, too!

    Mrs. C :angel1: