Last, Thursday I looked up Lee Marvin on Wikipedia and to my very surpise it stated that he was a liberal Democrat who opposed the Vietnam War and was the first in Hollywood to support gay rights. Man, I was just blown away by this. Lee Marvin a WW 2 Marine would be liberal. I had always assumed Lee Marvin was a conservative like John Wayne.
The part about the gay rights came from interview he did with playboy in 1969. I looked it up on line and was lucky someone had to view. I read the whole article and came away with mixed views. I am posting the link for people here to view. I am anxious to what reactions I will recieve.
P.S. the page the article is divided in individual sections and the homosexual subject is on page five.
Liberty Valance was a liberal??
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I am anxious to what reactions I will recieve.
Well, Lee never tried to cram his political views down other peoples' throats like Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, Clooney and their ilk so my reaction is I still liked him in most of his films. In fact, his "Monte Walsh" is one of my all-time favorite Westerns.
I can name several other favorite actors, such as Burt Lancaster, Gregory Peck and Paul Newman, who were notoriously liberal but most of whose films I really liked. It's only when they start trying to convince us that their political views are more important than ours (meaning conservatives like me) that I get ticked off at them. -
Marvin is enititled to his views and I certainly wouldn't say they are wrong.
I love John Wayne and I love the fact that he was upfront about his politics, I have no problems with others doing likewise.
I read a quote from country singer Toby Keith the other day.
He said "My lefty friends think I'm a Nazi, and my righty friends think I'm a hippie."
I think a lot of us fall into that category. I wish it was more important to focus on right and wrong instead of right or left. -
Seeing him in The Dirty Dozen gave me the impression that he was liberal, but I still like the movie, and thought of him as a good actor. The Flint movies were also slanted a little to the left IMO.
Cheers -
He was Still a Very Good Actor and I like to Watch Him in The The Films !
Chilibill -
No matter what his political views were, he was the poster child for pre-nuptials after his divorce. Ouch.
His movies like the Dirty Dozen are good regardless. -
Those who have responded to my tread I wonder if you all have read the link. I must admit that I am surprised by the laid back attitude about this topic with Lee Marvin. I thought people would respond with disappointment because they were not aware of this about Lee Marvin or other dismiss this as a bunch of nonsense. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to stir up trouble on the message board, but my intention is only to make sense of of I just learned last week. When I read the article and the subject of gay rights I came with that he libertarian on this issue. He did not specifically say that he supported their cause but felt what two adults did in their private was none of his business. There are those who would say to the contrary. It is a matter of one's own interpretation. Who ever wrote that Lee Marvin was for gay rights interpreted as such from reading the Playboy issue. “Wikipedia” is really not a creditable source of information on someone or something. I refuse to believe Lee Marvin was a true liberal but he was not as conservative as John Wayne was.
Those who have responded to my tread I wonder if you all have read the link. I must admit that I am surprised by the laid back attitude about this topic with Lee Marvin. I thought people would respond with disappointment because they were not aware of this about Lee Marvin or other dismiss this as a bunch of nonsense. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to stir up trouble on the message board, but my intention is only to make sense of of I just learned last week. When I read the article and the subject of gay rights I came with that he libertarian on this issue. He did not specifically say that he supported their cause but felt what two adults did in their private was none of his business. There are those who would say to the contrary. It is a matter of one's own interpretation. Who ever wrote that Lee Marvin was for gay rights interpreted as such from reading the Playboy issue. “Wikipedia” is really not a creditable source of information on someone or something. I refuse to believe Lee Marvin was a true liberal but he was not as conservative as John Wayne was.
If you read Lee's mini-biography on the Imdb website, there's also mention of his [liberal] views concerning homosexuality. I must admit that my views concerning the subject are mixed - I personally think homosexuality is both a moral and biological perversion and I'm totally opposed to gay marriage.
At the same time, I kinda have a live-and-let-live attitude. If they want to engage in sexual activities with a person of the same gender, I don't really care, as long as they keep it private and out of my sight. What irritates the hell out of me about the gay community is their in-your-face effort to convince straights that what they do is normal and should be accepted by everybody else. They'll never convince me that homosexuality is normal, no matter how hard they try. -
Well, Stumpy I agree with totally about this. Maybe Lee Marvin felt the same way as you do. "If you read Lee's mini-biography on the Imdb website, there's also mention of his [liberal] views concerning homosexuality."[QUOTE] Are to believe everything that Imdb or any other site says about. I remain skeptical about what I read. I reasearch before I believe it.
If you read Lee's mini-biography on the Imdb website, there's also mention of his [liberal] views concerning homosexuality. I must admit that my views concerning the subject are mixed - I personally think homosexuality is both a moral and biological perversion and I'm totally opposed to gay marriage.
At the same time, I kinda have a live-and-let-live attitude. If they want to engage in sexual activities with a person of the same gender, I don't really care, as long as they keep it private and out of my sight. What irritates the hell out of me about the gay community is their in-your-face effort to convince straights that what they do is normal and should be accepted by everybody else. They'll never convince me that homosexuality is normal, no matter how hard they try.
Amen!! Brother Stumpy!!! -
Well, Stumpy I agree with totally about this. Maybe Lee Marvin felt the same way as you do. "If you read Lee's mini-biography on the Imdb website, there's also mention of his [liberal] views concerning homosexuality."[quote]Are to believe everything that Imdb or any other site says about. I remain skeptical about what I read. I reasearch before I believe it.
[FONT="]I'm a little bit suspicious as to your agenda, you have been a member of this forum for almost two years making a whopping ten posts and now you have decided to garner the views of members regarding homosexuality.
We have been slated in the past regarding such issues, but what I have found since being a member here is that the members are varied, complex, tolerant and honest and if you want this thread to go turn into a gay hate thread then this isn’t going to happen.
Incidentally Stumpy pretty much summed up my views on this subject.
The Way I understand It This is a John Wayne Web-Site for Talking about John Wayne and Learning More About Him !
But Now it Looks Like Some of Us want to Talk about Everything !!
If that is the Way It is Going To Be Then I will Just as Soon Bail Out and you can talk about all that Good Other Stuff, but as for Me I will try to Talk about Duke and Things that He Liked and Wanted To Do !!!
Chilibill -
who cares? This is a Duke Wayne forum, so don't expect a ton of members to get up in arms about this.
As someone sorta mentioned earlier-I take a lot of what I read about on IMDB-as well as Wikepedia-with a grain of salt. Personally I cannot see nor do believe that Lee Marvin was a liberal. That is only my opinion and something that I cannot prove as fact-but I liked it much better when actors and such kept their views to themselves-which in turn-kept me liking some of them and they in turn remained - for lack of words that escape me at this time but "Untainted."
I still like some of Martin Sheens movies such as The Final Countdown, Enigma and Gettysburg-in which he faithfully plays one of my all-time personal heroes-that of the great CONFEDERATE General Robert Edward Lee. I guess I have liked Sheen and his movies for so long that I can't come to dislike him for his out-spoken politics. One show I absolutely hated was-West Wing. That TV series of leftwing trash-is somehting I can forgive him for being a part of. One left-winger I will never forgive-is alec baldwin. Forever he is tainted in my view-same as Sean Penn-even though like Charles Bronson thought of him in that he IS a great actor-just that he can't keep him BIG mouth shut.
Subjects like the gay issue can get people upset really fast. I personally disagree with the life style they choose, but according to the Good book it gives me no right to hate nor judge them.
Marvin has passed on and has stood before God. He got his answer on the subject.
I still like Marvin's movies, Liberty Valance being one of them. Marvin had a character about him that was unmistakable when you viewed him on stage or in film.
There is so many good things about Duke and his great movies and heritage; along with other actors who added so much to the industry and our lives to talk about than get caught up in controversial issues. -
Hi Shortgrub, I feel the same as you and the rest do in that if people of the same sex want to be together-fine-my motto on that is live and let live-but-it riles me to no end when they try doing their "thing" in front of me or try to force me into accepting their lifestyles-which I will never do.
I like Lee Marvin and many of his movies very much-but I still do not believe he has a drop of liberal blood in his system-when he was still alive.
John Wayne worked with a lot of liberals. There were a mess of them. He worked with at least one homosexual (known fact in his book, John Wayne: American). In order to make pictures for his fans, he had to associate with them constantly. That was the world he lived in. He had friends who were liberals, and was known to be pretty good friends with Rock Hudson. Your point about Lee Marvin IMO is irreverent, and to make noise about it really makes no sense. I associate with all kinds of people, and have dated liberals myself. They are fun, but they do not influence me in my political, religious, and personal beliefs.
Most of Duke's leading ladies were liberals. To name a few like Lauren Bacall, Katherine Hepburn, Katherine Ross, Sophia Loren, Ann Margaret, Joan Crawford, Donna Reed, and Susan Hayworth. My gosh he did a few TV shows with Lucille Ball a communist (according to a news article, and confirmed by her just to register as a dying wish from her uncle, but not active member).
What is the point here?
Cheers Hondo -
John Ford was a liberal. He turned to Nixon at the end of his life.
Well, some here think that I have some sort of hidden agenda which is to cause trouble on the message board. The reason why I posted my message was to get a mature, honest and fair minded opinions and my sole intention was not to start a frenzy.
In response to the member who stated, “I associate with all kinds of people, and have dated liberals myself. They are fun, but they do not influence me in my political, religious, and personal beliefs.” Well I am glad that have not let the heathens influence you. There are many can be persuaded to believe the wrong crooked ideas of the far left. I say this about liberals they very good manipulators and they can draw many their side because many people who not educated about can fall their for the liberal trap.
As to liberals being fun I imagine that in stellar activities they are doing drugs, consuming large amounts of alcohol per day is what they do best. Just ask “Robin Williams”. Another fun aspect about liberals is their indulgence in promiscuity and Former President Bill Clinton can testify to that himself. Oh, that’s right he did testify on the witness stand and got off scot free. Liberals are evil people as they have no honorable qualities just dishonorable ones.
Rock Hudson is one who I can tolerate. In his hay day he processed all the good qualities of American male. He kept his lifestyle to himself and had no desire to display it before witness to make a political point. Rock Hudson was also a good Republican and supported conservatives ideas of the party all throughout his life. When the rise of the gay movement started in the late 60’s and early 70’s he felt that it was wrong for people of his kind to flaunt their lifestyle publically or demanded equal treatment. So it is hard to image that he was gay. From what I read about Rock Hudson I gather that he was sort of ashamed of his lifestyle and probably wished he had been straight as does many people in America wished he was.