Concern For Missing Members

There are 399 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 137,758 times. The latest Post () was by MichaelHarrison.

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  • Well, The Mrs. and I might be considered a couple of larger guns and we have just came back after several hectic months with Sue's Mom being sick, then passing away, our computers deciding to tweak with us in several different ways, and last but not least, Chester learning how to be a bachelor all over again during Sue's six week absence . ( I know, wah, wah, wah! ) But we are back, and hope to stay this way!

    Different folks have different reasons for departing, some longer than others. If they make it back, we're happy!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Well, I'm happy you and Sue are off the "missing list". You have been missed. I was real sorry to hear about Sue's Mother passing and hope that you all are coping well. Glad to have you both back in the fold.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Well, The Mrs. and I might be considered a couple of larger guns and we have just came back after several hectic months with Sue's Mom being sick, then passing away, our computers deciding to tweak with us in several different ways, and last but not least, Chester learning how to be a bachelor all over again during Sue's six week absence . ( I know, wah, wah, wah! ) But we are back, and hope to stay this way!

    Different folks have different reasons for departing, some longer than others. If they make it back, we're happy!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

    Sue and Jim, so sorry to hear your news.
    It must have been a sad time for you all,
    but glad Jim survived and you're back to normal.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Sue and Jim,

    I've had some experience along those lines, as I'm sure everyone on this site has had too.

    You had a trying ordeal but you did everything you could. It's important to not have any regrets with a loss like you suffered and it sounds as if you should have none. Cherish the good memories. It helps.

    Bill O'Hara

  • Hi Jim, Sue, Bill said it all for me too. I just lost a longtime friend "Sarge" and am still really down because of it.

    Take care-_Carl.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Welcome back Jim and Sue! Wondered where you folks were. Thought maybe you forgot your password or somthin! Sorry about your loss. Bill

  • Anyone know what happened to Dooley? He was very active for awhile but haven't seen him around in months, hope all is well with him.

    Spooky timing. I've just logged back in after a very, very long time! I'm still around, family has grown bigger and Duke is still a constant in my film watching.

    How are you?

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • It's good to be missed!

    Life and work pretty much took over and I simply haven't had time to make any proper contribution to the forum.

    Hopefully as things settle down, I'm learning to delegate: miracle, I'll be able to rekindle my inane banter!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Hey Peter! Glad you came back for a spell.
    When you say that your family has grown bigger, I'm assuming that you both didn't gain weight. Congratulations. Was it a little trooper?

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Well, I know I answered this........what got all that started. But, I can't find my post anywhere. Guess I still don't understand why you can't see you own posts.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

    Edited once, last by Hawkswill: didn't include other post ().

  • Well, I know I answered is what got everything started on the Member Chat Thread again. But, I couldn't find my own post which was right above Irish'! I had seen where Keith was telling Kevin that posts kept missing a little while ago........maybe this was one. Who knows.

    Anyone know what happened to Dooley? He was very active for awhile but haven't seen him around in months, hope all is well with him.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • I wonder what has happened to The Ringo Kid. He hasn't posted since June 9, 2013. I hope he is all right.

    Jay, members drop in and out for all sorts of reasons,
    but not necessarily for more serious ones!

    As with our late arthurarnell, we believe relatives and friends were not aware of his activity here,
    and certainly when I spoke to one of his work colleagues, that point was evident.

    Alas this is the nature of these forums, and unless we are advised otherwise,
    we can never know the current state of our membership

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 3 times, last by ethanedwards ().