Good to hear from you Smokey, sounds like you are coming along nicely in your training. Think of all the fun you will have after you are done!! Look forward to hearing from you when you have time.

Concern For Missing Members
There are 399 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 153,419 times. The latest Post () was by MichaelHarrison.
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Hi Smokey
Like wise glad to hear your doing so well all my regards to you and your little chap although he's probably not that little now.
It's GREAT to hear from you
, and we are glad to hear that you are doing so well in school
! We'll look forward to hearing a little more from you in the next few weeks
, and of course, we'll understand when you're gone for awhile again
and the Mrs.
Hi Smokey - we've missed you!
Cheers - Jay -
Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Sep 7 2006, 12:03 AM
Hi Smokey - we've missed you!
Cheers - Jay[snapback]34302[/snapback]
We sure do
Didn't realise you have been away. Only Jokeing of course I've missed you, good luck with your course.
Incidentally whats happened Mike aka HondoDukeLane, he's only posted a few times since April, has he just lost interest with the board?
Robbie, I think he has been having some romance in his life. He mentioned it in a post awhile back. Other then that I have no idea.
One other person who has yet to come back is EthanEdwards(Keith), has he completely left us? He did such a nice job with the movie info and then just disappeared.
Hello all
I have little to offer thats worth reading so let me say only this, there is missing and there is missing. I think it will be really cool if as many members attend in Monument as possible. B 4 I get snoose for hyjacking this thread i say adieu. -
Hi Keith - glad to see you are back - we've missed you a lot around here, my English friend. Hope all is well with you.
Cheers - Jay -
Hi Jay, Texan buddy,
Yes, all is well here.
I have followed your career changes throughout the last few months,
so I hope things are now working out for you,Best Wishes
Hi Keith - at this point, I'm hangin' in
Cheers - Jay -
Hi Keith, glad to see you back here and I completely echo Jay's words to ye.
Take care Mate--C.
Hey there everyone. A very busy year, and the romance has simmered down somewhat, but what the hey, I have you guys here to keep me company. I try to get back here every once in a while and it has been busy with my business and trying to find that special someone. I have been thinking of you guys and have a lot to catch up with on the reading. Maybe you'll have to give me that condense version of what's happening. I am still pumped up with the Duke and try to get him in as much as possible.
Thank you for your support and friendship; I do appreciate it very much. Keep on posting. Arthur has and passed me I see. That's alright.
Later, Cheers B)
Also from me, Hi everyone,
Thanks for the concern,
I'm fine and I've posted my thanks on that
old stamping ground,The Real Seniors Thread,
thanks to Popul Vuh, for bumping it back again!!
Hey Hondo, glad to see you are ok and are still hanging around. We kind of get lonely so once in awhile we bring this thread up to see if the "originals" are still around. Hope to see you back alittle more often.
Keith, you are a sight for sore eyes!! Glad you are ok and look forward to your lively discussions in the "seniors" thread.
Hi Todd,
Thanks.How are you, I hope you are well?
We seem to have lost all the girls for the lively discussions,
we'll have to see if we can muster everyone back again.Best Wishes
Keith - it seems the girls are all busy with other things at the moment. I hate to admit it
, but it looks like you were the head he-male that got the fairer sex all twiterpated
Cheers - Jay -
hi jay and ethan
your right i for one have been busy doing other things i have just completed cert 3 in my course and have started cert 4 to be completed early next year then i do the last level and grad in july with my dip in retail management so have been busy looking up laws and such for my different assignments. by the way i passed all of my cert 3 with flying colours not bad for an old duck now.
can teach an old dog new tricks :lol:
catch you around sometime have 2 weeks off and 2 assignments due in the first week back so might be able to come as often as i would like to till december.
cheers smokey
It's grand to see you again, and we're glad to hear you're doing so well!!
and the Mrs.
Whoopee - Our beautiful Aussie shiela is back. It's great to hear you are learning so many new things, but it's even better having you back here
! Hope the little bloke is doing all right.
Cheers - Jay