Concern For Missing Members

There are 399 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 137,318 times. The latest Post () was by MichaelHarrison.

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  • hi jay mr & mrs c

    glad to make it back the little fella and i are doing well hes back at school now just went back in fact i have another 3 days plus the weekend then im back. have just spent the last 41/2 hours looking at different laws and such for one of my assignments.

    mr c glad to see you are back up on your feet and getting better all the time before you know it you will be back on top.

    hope to catch up soon if not might not see you till early december will try and get here if i can


    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Has anyone seen or heard from Graham aka as Chance as of late. I can't remember him making a post for quite some time.


    Haven't seen him Robbie. also Ringo has been missing, I am asumming that the holidayhs have allot to do with that though. I am sure he will be back after the New Year.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Thanks Mike, Todd, I was not able to post here for two weeks because my account would not let me log in. Thanks to Kevin, he got that problem fixed for me. Now to take soem time to try learning where everything is on this new set-up.

    Oh and if anyone sent me a PM and I did not reply, it definately was not intended.

    Rootbeers "on the house" to you all. Ringo. aka--C.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Thanks Mike, Todd, I was not able to post here for two weeks because my account would not let me log in. Thanks to Kevin, he got that problem fixed for me. Now to take soem time to try learning where everything is on this new set-up.

    Oh and if anyone sent me a PM and I did not reply, it definately was not intended.

    Rootbeers "on the house" to you all. Ringo. aka--C.

    Carl, you will like the new setup. It is alittle differnet but the added features are a welcome change.

    Glad to see you made it back, see you around.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hi Keith, Todd, thank you both and it is GREAT to be back on the scene. Man it sure was boring to come use the library computer and not be able to access Dukewayne. I registered under the name of Ringo Starr just to be able to let those in charge known of my login troubles.

    Im definately keeping my Ringo Kid account.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hi all.

    It's been a long time since Murray (Kilo 6)
    has been around, I've send him a couple of
    PM's but have had no reply, I was wondering
    if anyone has heard from him.



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • I don't get a chance to post as often as I would like, but I am never away for much more than a month at a time.



    "...all of this and General Price that baby sister makes it back to Yell county" --Rooster Cogburn, True Grit.