John Wayne Still Tall in the Saddle in 2011 Harris Poll!

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    Are we surprised that John Wayne is STILL in the top ten actors in America in the annual Harris poll?


    He has moved from the number 7 slot last year up to the number 3 slot!

    Yee Haw!!

    The ONLY actor to have appeared on this poll since its inception in 1994, John Wayne is also the only deceased actor to have been named.

    Way to go, Duke!

    Go to the Harris Poll site for more details.

  • Who gets to vote in this poll? I enjoy seeing Duke up there but I wonder when the baby boomers die off, I wonder will his popularity? marion Morrison created a character named John wayne and this guy Wayne was amazing he wore many hats. I remember when i was young my aunt taking me and my cousin to see the Duke at the theatre. parents knew any Wayne movie would be fitting for children. Duke was honest,forthright stood for good, his word was his bond. We needed heros back then and more so today, thank God for Film and thank God for JW

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • FROM sINGIN SANDY to the top of the world. Yahoooooooooo!!!

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • I honestly don't think he'll EVER disappear...

    Just like we pass on our values to our kids, our taste in what we like rubs off on them, too.

    Also, with his connection to the military, esp the Marines, I don't see his star fading at ANY time!

    Finally, as with giants in any genre, he's just too big a star, no, an icon to be forgotten, or placed on a shelf.

  • I don't think he will ever disappear either. Personally, I think the Duke has very recently enjoyed something of a renewed interest due to the remake of True Grit. Which I think is a great thing. Just tonight, I went to check out at a local hastings store and they had copies of the 1969 True Grit sitting there by the register. Now I already own the dvd, but noticed how the people behind me in line were picking it up and checking it out. I think the people who take the time to check out the original, will find the Duke's film enjoyable even if they thought they wouldn't have any interest beforehand.

  • Who gets to vote in this poll? I enjoy seeing Duke up there but I wonder when the baby boomers die off, I wonder will his popularity?

    From what I've read at the Harris Poll web site, they poll over 2000 people via their Harris Poll Interactive (online, people sign up, and are solicited for different polls over time). They are asked the open-ended question "Who is your favorite actor?" So no one is suggested, the participants have to come up with their own answer.

    As to the demographics of the 2000+ who take the poll, I don't know, but maybe further reading would get that information.

  • I think we should all start giving Duke movies to our children and grandchildren for birthday gifts! And maybe even suggesting to them when they open them that we'd love to watch it with them. Watching, The Cowboys, with my grandson's, one at a time, is a memory I will always cherish, and I know they will as well. We must take an active part in keeping our beloved Duke's memory alive and his legend growing.


  • Actually dont we have a poll somewhere that shows that in fact there is a high %of younger fans, than us boomers and earlier

  • It does not suprise me one bit. It is interesting that some actors (or most who have passed away) pretty much fall by the wayside.

    Why isn't Gable, Bogart, Heston , or for the woman actors, Davis, Hepburn, etc not on that list.

    Strange in a way but John Wayne transends generations.

  • I think we should all start giving Duke movies to our children and grandchildren for birthday gifts! And maybe even suggesting to them when they open them that we'd love to watch it with them. Watching, The Cowboys, with my grandson's, one at a time, is a memory I will always cherish, and I know they will as well. We must take an active part in keeping our beloved Duke's memory alive and his legend growing.


    Hey Cindy, we are pretty hard cases are'nt we lololol

    But you know that' s exactly how i became a classic Western movie lover, by watching them, but mainly JW of course, with my Dad from the time i could speak i guess, i was so young i dont even remember it, from the late 50's early 60's i guess.

    And being the only daughter in a house of sons i was totally, and very happily brainwashed. We would all sit around the lounge room floor with Dad watching Westerns, great memories, and those happy memories made up part of his eulogy years ago.

    Mum would be tired and have snuck off for an early night maybe, and Dad and the rest of the family enjoyed their time togeather watching the Duke, Jimmy Stewart, and all the rest of the gang, but of course there is no rivalling the great JW is there

    Even in his early 90's he still adored watching his Westerns, and we would take DVD's with us to watch with him, it really was a well trodden and much loved time togeather

  • It does not suprise me one bit. It is interesting that some actors (or most who have passed away) pretty much fall by the wayside.

    Why isn't Gable, Bogart, Heston , or for the woman actors, Davis, Hepburn, etc not on that list.

    Strange in a way but John Wayne transends generations.

    I can tell you way no other deceased actor is on the list. As good as they were, they were only movie stars, John Wayne is a American Icon.He has become part of the American fabric.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • I watched Hondo again yesterday, this time with my 10 year old grandson. He loved it. It's great that todays youth get a chance to see how good he was. There will never be another Duke.