Maureen O'Hara - tribute to John Wayne
There are 22 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 20,133 times. The latest Post () was by colkid60.
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June, that's it!
June, the link is as Romy says, but here it is anyway -
Right click and properties !....
This video is known and is probably in one of the posts in this forum.
These 3 minutes are affectingly!
HereThanks Romy!!
Thanks for the link. I am glad that http://www.dukewayne.com exists for fans like us.
This looks interesting, has anyone got the entire version of this programme?
This video is known and is probably in one of the posts in this forum.
These 3 minutes are affectingly!
HereIs the rest of this tribute available.?
I'll see ...
I cannot get any of your links to open...
I await other opinions ...
No prob...
Works for me, Romy Thanks for sharing this. Just got to love that entrance by Duke. lol
I await other opinions ...
Great video and it works just fine.A great Duke entrance and very enjoyable to see his children,
as they were growing up, and how sad to reflect that two of them
have now passed on.Loved the the spoof with Lee Marvin and the impersonator.
Indeed the whole video is a joy to watch
I'm glad it seems to work fine for some of you...it STILL doesn't work for me.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have to access it from an iPhone?!
Great video and it works just fine.
A great Duke entrance and very enjoyable to see his children,
as they were growing up, and how sad to reflect that two of them
have now passed on.Loved the the spoof with Lee Marvin and the impersonator.
Indeed the whole video is a joy to watch
Many thanks,waited a long time to see it...