Olive Films

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  • Hey all! As I see Paula has already informed all about Olive Films releasing The Oregon Trail and this is true! Through my research at the Library Of Congress they have a copy also but Olive has obtained a copy and they are very well known (as a few have already mentioned) for their beautiful restoration versions. I own all the current Duke titles from Olive and they are fantastic quality! This is great news that they will be doing the restoration work that I informed all earlier that I was told could be done at a large cost. I'm glad that Paula has updated you with this great news and now I'm back to the dungeon researching for the other lost films of John Wayne. Talk to you soon.
    P.S. I have been in contact with a collector in Denmark who says he has a print of Words And Music (1929) and am working on confirming this. Will keep you informed.

  • Hey all! As I see Paula has already informed all about Olive Films releasing The Oregon Trail and this is true! Through my research at the Library Of Congress they have a copy also but Olive has obtained a copy and they are very well known (as a few have already mentioned) for their beautiful restoration versions. I own all the current Duke titles from Olive and they are fantastic quality! This is great news that they will be doing the restoration work that I informed all earlier that I was told could be done at a large cost. I'm glad that Paula has updated you with this great news and now I'm back to the dungeon researching for the other lost films of John Wayne. Talk to you soon.
    P.S. I have been in contact with a collector in Denmark who says he has a print of Words And Music (1929) and am working on confirming this. Will keep you informed.

    That is all fantastic news!
    I have to agree I haven't been disappointed with any of the Olive Films releases I have watched, maybe night of the grizzly was a little blew par but that was more to do with the content.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Just a quick note. Has anyone watched the Olive Films Blu Ray releases of Duke's Three Mesquiteers series yet? I'm intrigued to know how good they really are compared to the DVDs as the quality of the ones I own is pretty poor.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • D'oh! (slaps self upside head)

    I completely forgot to order these! Thanks for the reminder -- the order has been placed.

    If anyone else still needs to order, the least expensive place is deepdiscountdvd.com. Their prices are the lowest for these four titles and they don't charge shipping.

  • D'oh! (slaps self upside head)

    I completely forgot to order these! Thanks for the reminder -- the order has been placed.

    If anyone else still needs to order, the least expensive place is deepdiscountdvd.com. Their prices are the lowest for these four titles and they don't charge shipping.

    Thanks for the deep discount info Paula and I'm glad I've helped you in a little way by reminding you!

    I wonder if the ship to the UK!

    At the moment I have to order from Amazon and get hit so hard on import duty!

    I've ordered one to test and it's fab I'll see how I can get the others.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • The reviews are beginning to come in.

    Here are reviews of the Blu-rays of Three Texas Steers, Red River Range and The Night Riders from DVDBeaver:




    Reviews of the Blu-rays of Overland Stage Raiders and Red River Range from DVDTalk:



    Boy, my copies can't get here fast enough. Maybe they'll arrive today. :)

  • Odd... the reviews (both DVDBeaver and DVD Talk) state the Blu-rays are Region A, yet my tests show them as region-free.

    DVDBeaver and DVD Talk says Rio Grande is Region A, too, yet my test shows it as region-free. Blu-ray.com shows Rio Grande as region-free, too.

    The DVD equivalents are definitely locked to Region 1.

    Perhaps someone else could post their results for the Blu-rays.

  • Roughrider, my copies haven't arrived yet so I can't answer your question. However, I have e-mailed the DVDBeaver e-mail list about the regions and I expect there will be an answer soon.

  • Roughrider, my copies haven't arrived yet so I can't answer your question. However, I have e-mailed the DVDBeaver e-mail list about the regions and I expect there will be an answer soon.

    After seeing the stills are reading the reviews I cannot wait for these titles to get here! It will be like watching them for the first time as my dvd copies are so poor.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I have finished watching the four Three Mesquiteer films on blu-ray and I have to say, these films look gorgeous. I bet they haven't looked this good since their original release. I remember one shot where leading lady Ruth Rogers is sitting in a wagon, and you can see, very clearly, ONE STRAND of blonde hair that has come loose from her hairdo and is waving in the breeze and shining in the sun.

    The Three Mesquiteers' time travel abilities are certainly impressive! :) :) :) :)

    Dave Kehr wrote about these releases in his NY Times DVD column:


    And also on his website:


  • Hey Paula,

    I know, I know, I know!!!

    My copy of Night Riders arrived today, in the UK, and I'm watching it now.

    The picture is STUNNING! I cannot believe what Olive have achieved here. I've owned these for many years on CD-R and the quality was appalling, so much so I wasn't holding out much for these; boy was I wrong!

    The other titles cannot get here soon enough! If all the Republic titles slated for release by olive films on blu ray are this good I'm going to be a very poor but happy man.

    Not sure if I mentioned that Night Riders looks simply STUNNING!!:wink_smile:

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Just to add a level of sobriety to the Olive films Night Riders blu ray, there's absolutely nothing on the disc bar the film: no extras, trailers, nothing.
    It's also only 56mins long. I suggests you watch it twice in a row, I did!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Just to add a level of sobriety to the Olive films Night Riders blu ray, there's absolutely nothing on the disc bar the film: no extras, trailers, nothing.
    It's also only 56mins long. I suggests you watch it twice in a row, I did!

    dooley is the night riders region free

  • Hi Ringo kid.

    Just spotted this!

    I will try it out and let you know on here.

    OK Peter, you need to explain more to me about this region stuff. Some of my friends are out of the country......If things pick up, and I can do my normal Christmas.......I am going to send some things out. Thanks....Hmmm, maybe RK can when I talk to him today. Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • DVDs and blu rays are most often region coded, meaning you can only play them on machines in the regions they were released. This should get you up to speed. P

    Region A Blu-ray - North America, South America, East Asia except for China

    Region B Blu-ray - Europe and Africa

    Region C Blu-ray - China, Russia and other countries

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"