Favorite Christmas Movies

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  • Well, the Mrs. broke out some of the Christmas boxes over Thanksgiving, and out came all the Christmas movies, and as we saw the topic about favorite non-JW movies, we thought we'd love to hear what everyone's favorite movies for the holidays are.

    Here are some that our family really enjoys -


    Miracle on 34th Street (both the old and the new one, although we dearly love Maureen O'Hara in the original one)

    a Disney Christmas tape, a collection of cartoons from the 30's and the 40's,
    A Walt Disney Christmas (we've had the tape since the early 80's; it's so old it doesn't have any previews at the beginning!)

    The Christmas Box (Maureen O'Hara is in this one, along with Richard Thomas and Annette O'Toole)

    Our seven year old's favorite is Annabelle's Wish (with the voice of Randy Travis)

    The five year old likes One Hundred and One Dalmation Christmas, and just discovered Barbie in the Nutcracker (now don't laugh - it's actually pretty good, and not as corny as my wife and I were expecting)

    The Muppet Christmas Carol

    The Christmas Story (you know, the one with the kid who wants the Red Ryder BB gun, and every adult tells him he'll shoot his eye out; does the image of a leg lamp ring a bell??)

    Miracle in the Wilderness

    and last but not least, It's a Wonderful Life. My wife NEVER gets tired of it, and cries each time like it was the first time she'd ever seen it.

    So . . . what films do you like to watch at Christmas time??

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Here's My favorite Christmas movies.


  • hi chester and the mrs,

    well here are our favourites

    miracle on 34th street

    its a wonderful life

    white christmas

    santa claus e

    just in the nick of time

    well i hope you all have a happy and safe christmas

    cheers :newyear:
    smokey and family

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Christmas

    1. It's A Wonderful Life - Jimmy Stewart

    2. Miracle on 34th Street - Maureen O'Hara

    3. A Christmas Story - Peter Billingsley

    4. A Christmas Carol - George C. Scott

    5. The Bishop's Wife - Cary Grant

    6. Bell's of St. Mary - Bing Crosby

    7. A Christmas Wish - Jimmy Durante

    8. The Santa Clause - Tim Allen

    9. Christmas in Connecticut - Barbara Stanwyck

    10. 3 Godfathers - John Wayne

    Happy Holidays


    To All Your Family

    From My Family

    Cheers, Hondo :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

    Edited once, last by Hondo Duke Lane ().

  • Great question Chester, good to see you back on the board.

    My favoururite Christmas movie is 'Its a wonderful life' and I also enjoy the 1st 'Home Alone' movie. Father Christmas/The Snowman the animation films are also very good, done by Raymond Burr I think

    I really need to watch a few more as thats all I can remember.


  • This is an funny question Chester.

    These are my favourites:

    1. Donovans Reef

    2. Home Alone

    3. Muppets Christmas Carrol

    And an movie with Arnold the Governator but I cant remember the name.


  • Quote

    Originally posted by itdo@Dec 5 2003, 12:55 AM
    No Christmas without that baby Robert William Pedro for me!
    After all, it's the only time in the year you can watch that one, isn't it?

    What?! :blink:

    Restricted to watching a John Wayne movie only at a particular time of the year? :glare:

    NEVER! :angry:

    Actually, I've not had the privilege yet of seeing the The Three Godfathers, but the more you mention it, the more I want to see it. :D

    Chester :newyear:

  • I just love Christmas movies. My favorite all time is A Christmas Carol, (like CHANCE said, the one with Alistair Sim). I even watch it during the summer when I feel like a pick-me-up). This is followed by...

    2) It's a Wonderful Life
    3) Miracle on 34th Street (The original)
    4) Scrooged

    And thought this may not be a Christmas story, it begins on Christmas Eve, I love the movie The Family Man. It stars Nicolas Cage and Tea Leoni. It is sort of on the same theme as It's a wonderful Life in that Nick's character is given a chance to see how life would have been if he had chose a different path then the one he lived. A good movie. Dukefan1

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Quote

    Originally posted by itdo@Dec 5 2003, 12:55 AM
    No Christmas without that baby Robert William Pedro for me!
    After all, it's the only time in the year you can watch that one, isn't it?


    Well, I joined you this Christmas day, watching O Ceu Mandou Alguem, better known as Three Godfathers. It is a Brazilian copy that my son was able to get for me as a Christmas gift. It was great! :lol: The quality was good, too. I really enjoyed it. I guess I can't come down too hard on foreign copies, now that I own one. It's put out by Wonder Multimedia, at http://www.dvdcontinental.com.br. I don't know if it's a licensed copy or not, but my wife, the seven year old JW fan, and I sure enjoyed it. The Christmas theme was certainly apparent, as you had previously indicated.

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Being a guy who graduated in the early 80's. I kind of enjoyed the National Lampoon movies. So one of my all time favorite Cjristmas movies would have to be Chevy Chase in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I know, I know its tacky but it is very funny.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Being a guy who graduated in the early 80's. I kind of enjoyed the National Lampoon movies. So one of my all time favorite Cjristmas movies would have to be Chevy Chase in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I know, I know its tacky but it is very funny.

    Well Viper I kinda have a habit of digging up old posts, but this is the time of the year and my family's tradition is to watch Christmas Vacation near Christmas. One of my favorite Christmas movies!!! But I'll hafta say that A Christmas Story would be my favorite (you'll put your eye out with that)!

    Of course, 3 Godfathers would be the John Wayne Christmas movie to watch which I intend to to.

    Now, not really a movie, but the show that best explains what Christmas is all about is the Charlie Brown Christmas. I don't think I have yet to see a movie or a cartoon for that matter that really explains the meaning of Christmas the way that Linus told it in that cartoon. That's what Christmas is all about John Wayne fans.

  • still like the old favourites, just bought mum and dad their own copy of white christmas on dvd

    will be watching the santa clause 3 hopefully over the weekend the little bloke likes all of the home alone movies and without fail we have to watch them every year along with all of the santa clause movies he lives for christmas but what child doesnt

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Now, not really a movie, but the show that best explains what Christmas is all about is the Charlie Brown Christmas. I don't think I have yet to see a movie or a cartoon for that matter that really explains the meaning of Christmas the way that Linus told it in that cartoon. That's what Christmas is all about John Wayne fans.

    AMEN! It is one of my all-time favorite Christmas specials. We own a set of the Peanuts holiday specials, and the Christmas season wouldn't be complete with at least one viewing of it. I have fond memories of it from my childhood (yikes! is it that old??).

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • any version of a christmas carol, but the best one is with alastair sim.that movie makes me want to give away money. then i have a drink and go to bed. merry christmas to all and tiny tim. may everyone have a safe and happy christmas.(xmastree) :present: :angel1: :beer:

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • any version of a christmas carol, but the best one is with alastair sim.that movie makes me want to give away money. (xmastree) :present: :angel1: :beer:

    I agree with the Alistair Sim "A Christmas Carol" - he is simply perfect in the role and no version before or since has matched his performance.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Here is my list of Christmas mandatories.

    1. It's A Wonderful Life
    2. A Christmas Story
    3. The Bishop's Wife
    4.White Christmas
    5. Miracle on 34th Street (original)
    6. A Charlie Brown Christmas
    7. The Godfather (Parts 1 & 2) - they have scenes during Christmas time
    8. Christmas in Connecticut
    9. You've Got Mail - most of it takes place during the holidays