The Professionals (1966)
There are 109 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 132,862 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.
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That's all, folks. Actually I have about 100 more photos from The Professionals, but I wanted to present a story-in-pictures effect without boring everyone. Hope I succeeded.
There was one still that was apparently cut from the film. It depicts Lancaster standing over a wounded Palance.
If you haven't seen this film, or haven't seen it recently, perhaps these photos will motivate you to seek it out.We deal in lead, friend.
That's all, folks. Actually I have about 100 more photos from The Professionals, but I wanted to present a story-in-pictures effect without boring everyone. Hope I succeeded.
There was one still that was apparently cut from the film. It depicts Lancaster standing over a wounded Palance.
If you haven't seen this film, or haven't seen it recently, perhaps these photos will motivate you to seek it out.We deal in lead, friend.
Not to worry--you succeeded ;-)) Also earned a salute too.
That's all, folks. Actually I have about 100 more photos from The Professionals, but I wanted to present a story-in-pictures effect without boring everyone. Hope I succeeded.
There was one still that was apparently cut from the film. It depicts Lancaster standing over a wounded Palance.
If you haven't seen this film, or haven't seen it recently, perhaps these photos will motivate you to seek it out.We deal in lead, friend.
Just a thought!!
Anyway you can post a link to these photos,
if they are stored in an internet file? -
Oops, didn't teach him that. Bill, we need to go over some things on Photobucket anyway,,,,,,,give me a call. KP
Just a thought!!
Anyway you can post a link to these photos,
if they are stored in an internet file? -