The dukes cowboy shirt ~ do you know which movie?

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  • Dear Sir/s
    I have a western shirt worn by John Wayne in one of his movies, I wondered if you may be able to help me identify which movie he wore it in please? I have attached some images of the shirt and costumers label. It looks like one of his early movie shirts however one source told me the label relates to a costumers 1960s period? I have no other ideas, I hope one of the Duke fans can help me identify this great old shirt :)

    Many thanks for your help

    Best wishes

  • Thanks Keith, a pleasure to join. One guy emailed to say he thought it was from 'Circus World' does have that sort of flash design, Ill have to rent it....any other ideas? :) maybe a TV advert or show even?

  • Thanks Keith, a pleasure to join. One guy emailed to say he thought it was from 'Circus World' does have that sort of flash design, Ill have to rent it....any other ideas? :) maybe a TV advert or show even?

    I thought myself of Circus World, as I do not believe it was used in a western!
    Ironically, some time back I posted this label of a costume used in Hellfighters

    It's worth noting the size comparisons.
    So I guess, it was around this time, but cannot place it particularly in a movie

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thank you Keith, yeh looks about the same period. Does anyone have a compilation of TV advert photos or TV shows he did dressed in Western costume? It may be something like that. Ive checked all his westerns through google and found nothing to compare even.

  • I,am having someone who owns a lot of his outfits looking into it. Western Costumes was run by Luster Bayless who dressed Duke for all his later work. He now owns United American Costume co.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • Hey Bill, thank you so much for the help. I appreciate it. Most guys think its early Wayne 30s/40s though the typed WCC label would suggest 60s. I'm slowly trawling through photos at this site, it has to be out there some place! :)

  • Howdy ansanaut, and welcome to the JWMB. I would think that you would be able to contact Luster Bayless at United American Costume and with the identification number on the tag, be able to identify which film or TV show, or appearance Wayne wore the shirt for. I have to be honest and say that it doesn't strike me as something Wayne would have worn in his westerns, as he purposely tried to avoid wearing these types of shirts, choosing instead to wear clothing that was more common to the everyday cowboy. But then again, I could be wrong! At any rate, I wish you the best of luck in identifying the shirt!

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Thank you Bob, I think I will pay a visit to Luster and see what he has to say about it. I would think the silver star buttons would make it an early Wayne piece....though who knows! :)