Active Member Check-in

There are 96 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 60,902 times. The latest Post () was by Benson17.2hands.

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  • Hi All,

    I've been thinking about this forum a little as of late and today I logged in for the first time in quite a while. It's sad to learn that this forum is no longer very active as it had and still has many great members that made this my favourite online community.

    Reading of members passing on is obviously sad and I regret not coming on here more often to keep up to date with events and to keep in contact with members old and new. I am going to try from now on to log on more regularly and hopefully others will do the same so that the forum can regain some of the magic of years gone by.

    On that note I was hoping members currently still active or who at least still check-in will comment within this thread to ascertain if there is an interest in making the forum a little more active?

    Active members thus far are:

    1. Ethan Edwards (Keith)
    2. Pineapple Angel
    3. Robbie
    4. BatjacAuburn
    5. Baby Sister
    6. Popol Vuh
    7. Kevin
    8. Rooster
    9. Little One
    10. ehheisner
    11. Stony
    12. yeolefyreman
    13. Richard--W
    14. Coriscapclskip
    15. The Irish Duke
    16. Wtrgan
    17. H.Senda
    18. Senta
    19. jggramberg
    20. colkid60
    21. Big Jim
    22. RJ Cogburn
    23. ZS Maverick
    24. Hondo
    25. Tbone
    26. Chance
    27. Buffdaddy123
    28. Falc04
    29. Rocklin
    30. Richard--W
    31. Phantomstranger
    32. Capnralls
    33. MsReb
    34. Chester7777 (Mr. and Mrs)
    35. Colkid60
    36. Busch1964
    37. Big Iron
    38. Stumpy (Jim)
    39. Hondo Duke Lane (Mike)


    Edited 9 times, last by Robbie ().

  • Hi Robbie,

    I for one am still around, and yes it is sad, that the forum is not quite as active.
    We have always been aware that as time passes by, what has to be said about Duke
    has been said many times.
    One of the reasons to add more related movie threads, was taking this into consideration.
    Hopefully by broadening the forum base, but still with a Duke feel and connection to it.

    Sadly members have passed on notably Arthur and William Brookes,
    but there maybe others,and as in Arthurs' case, found out by chance.

    Other members come and go for all sorts of reasons, and pop back from time to time.

    Hopefully with someone like yourself again playing an active part,
    we may recover some of the forums past glory

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi Keith,

    Great to hear from you and glad to see you're still providing the glue to this forum.

    I know one thing I received many years ago was an email from the forum encouraging members back so perhaps this could be done again?

    How about Kevin, Chester, Stumpy, Itdo, Chance, Jay and the Ringo Kid to name but a few - are they still about?

    I think your idea of broadening the appeal of the forum is a great idea and a refresh/reboot never does any harm.

  • I'm still a bit of a newbie, but I definitely want to be (remain) active here! I haven't posted anything in a few weeks/months as I am in a VERY busy time at school- but I will get back to commenting more during the summer.

  • I know one thing I received many years ago was an email from the forum encouraging members back so perhaps this could be done again?

    How about Kevin, Chester, Stumpy, Itdo, Chance, Jay and the Ringo Kid to name but a few - are they still about?

    Thank you for your comments Robbie.

    Kevin does still send an email out, requesting members to rejoin us.

    Kevin, Chester, Stumpy, Itdo, Chance and Jay do post very occasionally,
    but The Ringo Kid, disappeared sometime ago, not to return

  • Thank you for your comments Robbie.

    Kevin does still send an email out, requesting members to rejoin us.

    Kevin, Chester, Stumpy, Itdo, Chance and Jay do post very occasionally,
    but The Ringo Kid, disappeared sometime ago, not to return

    I know I got one of these said emails some years ago but nothing since, in fact the first email in years I've had from JWMD was today to advise that you have quoted me.

  • Thanks Batjack Auburn, I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting you before.

    We must have more active members, can an email be sent around to notify everyone?

    I was pretty active for about two years between 2012-13 but between being chastised a couple of times for not reading everything on the site before asking a question and the general decline in participation by everyone I stopped posting. I come now mostly to look at Lasbugas' pictures.

  • I was pretty active for about two years between 2012-13 but between being chastised a couple of times for not reading everything on the site before asking a question and the general decline in participation by everyone I stopped posting. I come now mostly to look at Lasbugas' pictures.

    You should not have received that type of response, new members used to be made feel very welcome here. Lets home through this thread we can kick things off again in a positive manner and perhaps other members can contribute as to what they would like to see on here?

  • Hi Robbie,

    Good to see you around these parts! Things have slowed down for many different reasons. Due to health / Family / Work issues I've not spent the amount of time here as I wish.

    I will pull together a message and send it out to the membership inviting them to reconnect with the forum. I haven't sent a mass message in a while, so it would be a great time to do this.

  • Rooster is still here......still fire up Duke DVD's every now and then, and pop by the board. Haven't said much, but do look at the few updates that have happened........and the Duke still ROCKS!


  • Hey, everyone,

    I've been pretty busy, but I still definitely love the forum. I hope to be posting more after I finish my last college quarter for the year.

  • We're still here and tryin to keep the Duke's Films & Westerns alive!! I just recently had the opportunity to purchase an original Cavalry shirt that was used in several John Ford Films including "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon". I also purchased and gifted Patrick Wayne's pants from "The Searchers" to my Western novel Illustrator Al Bringas. He's doing another South Pacific adventure novel for me along with my 2nd Western novel "T.H. Elkman" that comes out this fall. I know the Duke was an avid reader and found source material for many of his best films through books and articles. I hope to continue making Western films and sharing stories from the Old West period for many years to come. See more of our projects at
    Yer pal,
    Eric H. Heisner

  • Thank you for your comments Robbie.

    Kevin does still send an email out, requesting members to rejoin us.

    Kevin, Chester, Stumpy, Itdo, Chance and Jay do post very occasionally,
    but The Ringo Kid, disappeared sometime ago, not to return

    I remember The Ringo Kid as being a pretty prolific poster. Did something happen to him or did he just leave? Yes, it has been a while since I last logged in here!