Hi guys got the email and I am still arond and still a huge Duke fan. Was quite active here once upon a time but drifted off as things began to slow down. I'll try and pop in more often.

Active Member Check-in
There are 96 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 60,894 times. The latest Post () was by Benson17.2hands.
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Still check in from time to time.
I am alroght and also check in frequently,thank you all. this picture in 1961 at Tokyo was a 20 meter display of Duke.nice picture!
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/co…ort-us-home/#.V003d_mLS01 -
Hi, everyone, I'm still here. Sometimes I'm busy and not show up often, but I'd like to be here and it is really sad that Forum are not so active as it was before. Let's keep it going and alive.
Work 60 hrs a week and school. I do pop by once in a while. I wish I could do more.
I get regular lasbugas pictures. It does seem the site has slowed down.
I watch a duke movie about one a month. Still Great.
God Bless America. -
I am still around. I check in on several items a week but seldom post. Maybe I don't sign on, just read or look at pictures. Great site, would hate to see it leave. Thanks, Jim.
Here. Alive and well
Been trying to remember which film has the quote, "I'm gonna do what I come here to do." Anyone? -
Howdy, y'all!
Sorry I haven't been that active, but I'm just not on-line that much! Will try to check in more! I've been busy with my "day job" as on-air tech at a TV station, and indulging in my hobby that combines country music and comedy; been doing some singer/songwriter gatherings around. (I guess I'm a musician/comedian...unless the audience doesn't laugh, then I'm just a musician!)
Anyway, I'll try to check in and be more active on here! Feel free to come see me on Facebook -I check in only slightly more there than here, but feel free to "friend me" (I hate that phrase!); just look for Zane Smith from Denison, Texas.
Hi all, just got an email, thought I would pop back in here and say hi.......Jim
Hi All,
Just checking in. I don't get many opportunities to check in like I used to but still would enjoy hearing more stories about the Duke.
Tbone -
Hi Gang sorry i haven't been around much but i've been concentrating a 100% on a venture myself and a friend are doing we are starting a small business called lockbox comics limited doing comics i'm of course doing the drawings and my friend is doing the script the first issue is in print and is a scifi and i'm in the process of doing issue 2 we are doing this on a shoe string ourselves , we would appreciate any support we can get , I have a western one in the pipe line . I hope it's OK to post this link if not just remove post.
Thanks Again.
Graham aka CHANCE aka Chief (my comic pseudonym ) -
Hi to all.
Have not been here much lately, but would love to start getting more involved again with members
Hey Rocklin here every time I get an e.mail about The Last Western or None Western that I have watched I answer it even though I have been busy on my Website to The Duke
More upgrades are on the way. THEY WERE EXPENDABLE, SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON, CHISUM and McQ are being released on blu-ray in the next few months.
SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON is being released through Warner Arhcive. Warner had better get the color and density right this time. If they screw up another John Wayne classic like they did THE SEARCHERS, I'm going to war.
HONDO 3-D and THE SONS OF KATIE ELDER -- still missing in action.
Evening everyone,
Sorry, I haven't been around much of late, but I recently started a western Facebook page (along with a horror /mystery Facebook page) and between those projects, family, work and just life in general, I haven't been able to drop by as much as I would like. I still consider myself a proud member of this group and I'll try and stop by more often.
Talk to you later -
It has been awhile since I last commented. It is a dirty shame that the California Legislature voted down a resolution for a John Wayne Day. Texas had a John Wayne Day this year and so did Newport Port Beach, CA. It is no wonder that California is called the Left Coast. The left has ruled California for so long they believe all this BS about the country including this bathroom/locker room crap. The is not your fathers Democrat Party.
Here. Alive and well
Been trying to remember which film has the quote, "I'm gonna do what I come here to do." Anyone?Sound like it's from "True Grit".
Hi everyone..am still here just haven't posted but check in often
Hello Stranger,
It's great to see you - how have you been?