Hi, I have not been here in awhile but am still a member. My information is up to date.

Active Member Check-in
There are 96 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 61,313 times. The latest Post () was by Benson17.2hands.
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Thanks for checking in!
Hey there folks. Great to be back. Just checking in and hope all is well. Try to be back soon. Been a busy time. Have some info that I am sure been posted but want to chime in. Have a great day folds.
Cheers, Hondo Duke Lane
Welcome home Hondo!
Welcome back, Hondo!
Just checking in. Howdy to all!
Thanks Bob for checking in! Always good to hear from you.
Howdy, Bob!
Hey, I'm still around, folks. Just turned 72 last week.
Hello WaynamoJim! Happy Belated Birthday!
I'm still a bit of a newbie, but I definitely want to be (remain) active here! I haven't posted anything in a few weeks/months as I am in a VERY busy time at school- but I will get back to commenting more during the summer.
we're burning daylight
Howdy my fellow Duke fans! It's been a while since I've checked in; hope everyone is doing good and Happy Thanksgiving!
Howdy @ZS_Maverick thanks for checking in! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Stop in now and then. Kevin always leaves the lights on.
Happy Thanksgiving ZS Maverick.
The house is smelling pretty good over here !
Mke -
It's been a while since I've checked in, guess I've been burning daylight!
There's been a glut of John Wayne films lately, eg Alamo (never get tired of it, despite the recently revelation that Davey Crocket survived the battle but was ruthlessly cut down in front of Santa Anna ).
Today was shown The Legend of the Lost, not sure who was top billing, presumable the Duke & also starred, if I'm not mistaken Sophia Loren & Rossano Brazzi , not my sort of film but still watchable.