Films You Wish John Wayne Hadn't Made

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  • Hi again

    On the subject of slant eyes.

    After John Wayne completed the Conqueror it was reported in one of our movie magazines that as a reslt of him having his eyes continually taped up to give him the mongol look, he was confined to his house for several weeks with severe eye strain



  • Hey again Hondo -

    I'm impressed by your list, though certainly not surprised. May I ask if there is any specific reason why you haven't seen Shepherd of the Hills? Is that one hard to find? I thought I saw where it had been on TCM a while back, but maybe I'm thinking of something else.

    I've got a lot of films to see yet... too bad the two main networks who show them (AMC & TCM) tend to show the same ones over and over again. I need to get off my wallet, I guess. ;)

  • I would wish duke didnt made all the movies between The Big Trail and Stagecoach.

    I dont know why fans hate the death of the Duke in The Cowboys but I think It is not so bad, because duke knows he had already beaten Bruce Dern in the fist fight, and walks away Dern shoots his first shot in the arm, but he dont turned around because he protected in my opinion his own dignity against the the children.
    (I have too agree I prefer to see Wayne dieing in the middle of the fight then on this couartly way, but Bern is the perfect bad guy also like in Will Penny).

    I also wish he didnt made:
    The Qonquer
    Legends of the lost
    Blood Alley

    Robbie why didnt you want that the duke made The Horse Soldiers?
    I am glad he made It because he played only in 5 westerns in the 50's without It only 4, I love the ending.
    And I cant imagine to see duke as Chris in the Magnificent seven.

    movies I wish he did made:
    -Bandolero in stead of Jimmy Stewart.
    -Dirty harry
    -Cheyenne Autumn as a worty ending coorporation with Ford instead of Donovans Reef
    -Two Mules for sister sarah
    -The Wild Bunch
    -Blazing Saddles
    -The Professionals


  • A Girl Named Jen...

    I just noticed that based on your list, you have never seen The Shootist. For goodness sake, stop what you are doing right now, and go watch it. You should be able to pick up a used copy on E-Bay. But Duke's last film is one of his best IMHO.


    "...all of this and General Price that baby sister makes it back to Yell county" --Rooster Cogburn, True Grit.

  • Jen,

    When I collected VHS's I watched all of Duke's movies. The Shepherd of the Hills was not on video nor has been, and I missed watching it on TV when it came on. I just didn't get around to seeing it, so I missed. I guess your right that I've seen a lot of his movies. Most of them more than once. A few of my favorite ones a lot, like Rio Bravo, McLintock!, The Shootist, Hondo, The Sons of Katie Elder, True Grit, The Searchers, Stagecoach, The Green Berets, Sands of Iwo Jimo, Trouble Along the Way & The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

    As for Island in the Sky, well you know the story there, and I am beginning to see the "B" movies, but that will take a while, and I'm in no hurry right now.

    Cheers, Hondo B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • JW Fan

    The Horse Soldiers in my opinion was a dreadful movie and it failed at the box office. The scene in which the confederates attack the yanks in the town is really badly directed. The leading ladies acting is very weak and there is a lack of excitement within the movie a truely forgettable movie in my opinion.

    Chester, oh yes us Brits use that phrase too.


  • hi hondo,

    if you like the green berets then go to ebay australia and you will find up for bidding a photo and film strip combo from a lady going by the name of hellodear1 starting bid is australian $30 give it a try if she won't post overseas let me know if you get it and make arrangements with me and i will get it sent to you

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Hey General Price:

    Y'know, I just have a hard time even thinking about watching that one. Knowing it's his last film, the poignancy behind the fact that he was dying and that his character was dying as well... oh! It makes me sad. :( But I'm sure I'll see it eventually.


  • I hear you on the emotions you feel as you contemplate watching The Shootist, and whenever my wife suggests that we watch it, I hesitate because of that, but then when we go ahead and see it, I am never sorry I did.


    "...all of this and General Price that baby sister makes it back to Yell county" --Rooster Cogburn, True Grit.

  • Hi

    Many fans and critics tend to agree that if it wasn't for the bad scheduling by the studio John Wayne should have been at least nominated for an Academy Award for the Shootist and perhaps won it. Considering his age, his health and the problems encountered in making the picture I consider the Shootist was one of his greatest roles.


  • Hi Hondo

    I write to regularly to a friend in Canada who is a relative of Rod Cameron and he sends me various bits and pieces on John Wayne.

    I don't know how old this is or even if it is still extant but here goes.

    One of the items sent was a page from an AMC magazine and it shows an advertisment and order form for a number of Critics Choice Videos under video classics these are:

    HONDO KKMP10007021 $19.95
    McLINTOCK KKMP1006022 $19.95
    HANGMANS HOUSE KKTMC004022 $19.95
    THE ALAMO KKMGM305395 $24.95
    THE QUIET MAN (40th Anniversary Edition) KKRPC003361 $19.95

    The address is Critics Choice Video, PO Box 749, Dept 60171, Itasca IL 60143-0749

    Sorry no email address.

    If the Quiet Man is a 40th Anniversary Edition I guess this paper was printed sometime in the mid 90's but it might be worth checking out



  • You will all be happy to know that Critics' Choice Video is alive and well and on the Internet - Critics' Choice Video & DVD. I think I must have bought something from them through Ebay at some point in time, so now we are on their mailing list, and a catalog came just yesterday - a 60-page color brochure, jam packed with tons of movies, and pretty decent prices. I haven't compared their prices with Deep Discount DVD, although I would do so if I was planning on ordering something. Anyway, here are links to some of the movies Arthur mentioned. Knowing Hondo's feeling about McLintock and Good Times Video, I didn't link to that one, but it's there (2 DVDs and one VHS). Having that title in both DVD and VHS (hey, they came in boxed sets that were given as gifts), I can tell you that the quality is not that good, so I applaud Hondo on his stand to hold out until it is released "properly." They have a pretty extensive selection of John Wayne movies.

    Happy browsing!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Okay, GSP... I looked and my library has a copy on DVD that I've put on reserve. I'll be sure to give you guys a full report once I've watched it.

    I'm going to have a box of Kleenex close at hand, though.

  • Author

    I agree that Duke could have done with out contributing to the movies 'TGSET' AND 'HTWWW' as neither film boasted the mans qualities however 'The Longest Day' is a great movie and Duke is an important part of that movie he helps hold it all together. Unlike the other two movies Duke has a number of scenes in this movie which acts well in and which boast his star and acting qualities.

    I may have asked this before but how did Duke feel about his character having to die in 'The Cowboys' and whats was the atmosphere like between him and Dern off camera.


  • I really don't care for the killing of him in The Cowboys either. It was such a good movie until that part. It made you think of his wife back home that would never see him again. Another movie that I really don't care for is El Dorado. It's a remake of Rio Bravo obviously. It's like Robert Mitchum is trying to be Dean Martin and Mississippi or whoever he was, was doing the same as Ricky Nelson. Why was that movie made anyway? Does anyone know much about it?

    That's how I feel anyway,

  • The Greatest Story Ever Told was a movie Duke did for director George Stevens. Stevens wanted to cast Duke in the movie, but Duke was busy with another movie, but agreed to appear uncredited in a scene. Stevens casted him as a Roman Centurion in the Cross scene. He was so grateful for the favor Duke did for him. Maybe you might think that this is a movie Duke shouldn't have done, but Stevens would argue with you on that. If I recall, this movie helped Stevens propel as a major director, and he credited Duke for his appearance.

    As for How The West Was Won, it seems that every western star was in that movie, and maybe it was insufficient for him to appear in the scene, but I bet it gave that movie more creditability. It may have not added much to Duke's credit, but having him appear added to the movie.

    Cheers, Hondo B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote