The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969)

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    Plot Summary
    Marshal Flagg, an aging lawman about to be retired, hears that his old nemesis,
    the outlaw McKaye, is back in the area and planning a robbery.
    Riding out to hunt down McKaye, Flagg is captured by McKaye's gang and finds out that McKaye
    is no longer the leader of the gang, but is considered just an aging relic by the new leader,
    a youngster named Waco.
    Waco orders Mackaye to shoot Flagg, and when Mackaye refuses Waco abandons both of them.
    Flagg then takes Mackaye back to town only to find out that he has been "retired",
    and when he sees how clueless and incompetent the new marshal and the city fathers are,
    he persuades Mackaye that it is up to the two of them to stop Waco and his gang from ravaging the town.
    Written by frankfob2

    Robert Mitchum ... Flagg
    George Kennedy ... McKay
    Martin Balsam ... Mayor Wilker
    David Carradine ... Waco
    Tina Louise ... Carmel
    Douglas Fowley ... Grundy (as Douglas V. Fowley)
    Lois Nettleton ... Mary
    John Davis Chandler ... Deuce
    John Carradine ... Ticker
    Marie Windsor ... Polly
    Dick Peabody ... Boyle
    Kathleen Freeman ... Mrs. Stone - Mother
    Jimmy Murphy ... Buckshot
    Garrett Lewis ... Hawkins
    Bobby Riha ... Billy
    Jackie Joseph ... Doris
    Howard Storm ... Harry
    George Dunn ... Engineer #1
    Nick Dennis ... Engineer #2
    Phil Vandervort ... Simms
    and many more...

    Burt Kennedy

    Writing Credits
    Ronald M. Cohen ... (written by)
    Dennis Shryack ... (written by)

    Ronald M. Cohen ... producer
    Robert Goldstein ... executive producer
    Stan Jolley ... associate producer
    Dennis Shryack ... producer

    William Lava

    Harry Stradling Jr.

    Robert Mitchum admitted he regretted making this film.

    The red car, which gets cut in half by a train, is one of the
    "Leslie Specials" from The Great Race (1965).

    George Kennedy plays a character named McKay.
    He would later play a character called Carter McKay on the TV series Dallas (1978).

    This was originally going to be a John Wayne vehicle.

    Director Trademark
    Burt Kennedy: ["Fight!"] At the beginning of the fight scene, someone
    (in this case, an uncredited Richard Farnsworth) looks directly at the camera and yells, "Fight!"

    The train worker carrying the shotgun fires that shotgun at least ten times
    during scene in the tunnel where everything goes black.
    The sound effect for the shotgun had been established in previous scenes.
    The shots were far to close together to allow for any reloading;
    and since he was carrying a double barrel shotgun that many shots would have not been possible.

    When Flagg and McKay are running along the roof of the train,
    the view from inside the train shows their shadows on the cliff wall
    beside the tracks level with their actual position on the roof,
    as though the sun were nearly on the horizon throwing their shadow straight onto the cliff wall
    directly behind them.
    But when the view switches to overhead on top of the train,
    their shadows are directly below them as though the sun were directly overhead.
    This same pattern is repeated several times, camera overhead showing their shadow directly below them,
    then inside showing their shadows on the cliff wall out to the side.

    When Martin Balsam is getting dressed after being interrupted
    with his dalliance with Tina Louise, his collar is unbuttoned and vertical.
    When he is wearing his dressing gown, the collar is covered by the gown.
    However when he steps outside the collar is visible again.

    Revealing mistakes
    When the car is left on the tracks, and the train hits it and breaks it apart, #
    as it flies apart it is clearly just painted wooden sections fastened together on a frame to look like a car.
    There is no engine or drive train or interior,
    no seats or glass, and the wooden pieces can clearly be seen.

    Memorable Quotes

    Filming Locations
    Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, Chama, New Mexico, USA
    New Mexico, USA
    Silverton, Colorado, USA
    Janss Conejo Ranch, Thousand Oaks, California, USA
    Laramie Street, Warner Brothers Burbank Studios - 4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, California, USA

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • The Good Guys and the Bad Guys is a 1969 American western film directed by
    Burt Kennedy. It stars Robert Mitchum and George Kennedy

    The movie was filmed on location in Chama, New Mexico, and other locations in New Mexico,
    Thousand Oaks, California, Silverton, Colorado, and the Warner Bros. Burbank Studios, California.

    Howard Thompson of the New York Times said, "Whatever possessed these three actors
    (Mitchum, Kennedy and Balsam) to amble through such a dinky prairie oyster stumps us.
    And so does the uncertain tone of the picture, methodically directed by Burt Kennedy,
    which only toward the end asserts itself, clearly and lamely, as a good-natured spoof."
    Thompson, however, did praise Harry Stradling Jr.'s cinematography.

    Duke's, 'Pals' in this one of course, Robert Mitchum, George Kennedy,
    John Carradine, Kathleen Freemnan, Marie Windsor

    User Review

    Easy goin' western with some funny scenes
    19 January 2001 | by loupgarou-2 (SW Florida)
    All right,I admit it,I'm a sucker for Westerns. I grew up on them and I still watch every new one I can find. That said, this is a somewhat above average western with some pretty funny moments. Robert Mitchum spoof his tough guy image as the marshall who insists that bad guy George Kennedy,an over the hill outlaw, is still a dangerous villain. For his troubles he gets a surprise retirement party. Mitchum and Kennedy then team together to upstage the young whippersnapper bad guys.
    All in all, a fun "buddy" western, I think most western movie lovers will get a chuckle from this film

    Best Wishes
    London- England