Rachel and the Stranger (1948)

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    Plot Summary
    David Harvey is a widower with a young son, Davey. They live on an isolated Ohio farm during the pioneer days. He wants his son to be raised in the manner his wife would have wanted - with proper schooling, Bible study and proper manners. Rachel, an indentured servant, is sold to David. David then marries her in order that little Davey would have a mother to properly raise him. David shows no real affection towards Rachel since this is a marriage of convenience. This all changes when Jim, a friend of the family comes for a visit. During his stay, David sees that there is more to Rachel than just being a "bonds woman", especially when Jim takes a liking to her. This awakens new feelings in David for Rachel.
    Written by Kelly

    Loretta Young ... Rachel
    William Holden ... Big Davey
    Robert Mitchum ... Jim
    Gary Gray ... Davey
    Tom Tully ... Parson Jackson
    Sara Haden ... Mrs. Jackson
    Frank Ferguson ... Mr. Green
    WWalter Baldwin ... Gallus
    Regina Wallace ... Mrs. Green
    and many more...

    Norman Foster

    Writing Credits
    Waldo Salt ... (screenplay)
    Howard Fast ... (story "Rachel")

    Richard H. Berger ... producer
    Jack J. Gross ... executive producer

    Roy Webb

    Maury Gertsman ... director of photography

    Loretta Young was famous for placing a "swear jar" on the sets of all of her films, charging anyone in the cast or crew who used foul language 25 cents for doing so, then giving the funds to one of her favorite charities. Whilst making this film with her, Robert Mitchum reputedly held his tongue about his pious co-star until shooting was completed. As he exited the set on the final day of production, Mitchum smiled, dropped a $20 bill into the jar, and said, "This should just about cover everything I've been wanting to say to Loretta."

    This was one of RKO's biggest hits of 1948, earning $395,000.00.

    After Mitchum was arrested for possessing marijuana, RKO rushed to release the film to take advantage of the news of Mitchum's arrest.

    While Davey rushes back from the store to eavesdrop on the transaction, the light and shadows indicate it's mid to late afternoon. Mere minutes later as the camera moves outside again, it is already dusk.

    Memorable Quotes

    Filming Locations
    Eugene, Oregon, USA

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Rachel and the Stranger is a black-and-white 1948 western film starring
    Loretta Young, William Holden, and Robert Mitchum.
    The Norman Foster-directed film was one of the few to address the role of women in the pioneer west,
    as well as portray early America's indentured servant trade.
    It was based on the Howard Fast short story "Rachel".

    While the film had a low budget, it was RKO's most successful film that year, making $395,000.

    User Review

    A Forgotten Classic
    Author: Prof-Hieronymos-Grost from Ireland

    Quote from PROF

    11 August 2005

    "Big" Davey Harvey(William Holden) a widower, and his only son Davey live in the mountains of Ohio during the Pioneer days. Big Davey increasingly frustrated at the influence of his fur hunter friend Jim Fairways(Robert Mitchum) decides his son needs a woman's influence around the house and sets off to the local stockade to find a wife much to the protestations of little Davey who doesn't want anyone to replace his recently deceased mother.Big Davey is recommended a bonds girl Rachel(Loretta Young )who is surplus to requirements and he buys her for 18 dollars.Both of the Harveys are cold and distant towards their new family member and treat her as the slave she is, until that is the charismatic Jim Fairways arrives and treats her like a queen,they hit it off straight away much to the jealousy of Big Davey who is just not ready for love yet…. this triggers a battle of wills to win the heart of Rachel…and just to add to their problems the film is set against a backdrop of continuing raids by rogue Shawnee Indians on the local homesteads.This is truly a forgotten western classic that still feels very fresh today,Rachel and the Stranger is very very charming film,that is also very funny and has a simple but intelligent script,on top of that add three truly Epic performances by the three leads and an action packed finale and you have a wonderful film.

    PS.Mitchum never ceases to amaze me, a true giant of the Cinema and a really good singer too

    Best Wishes
    London- England