Robert Shelton Estate To Be Auctioned

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  • I am pleased to report that the estate of the late Bob Shelton, owner and partner of John Wayne, is now under contract to be sold by RR Auction in March of 2019.

    Bob, in having hopes of one day seeing a museum accomplished, kept a truck load of bits and memorabilia from the studio and many of it's productions. Leading the sale is the inscribed 1866 Winchester 94 Centennial rifle (issued in 1966) Wayne gifted Bob in 1970. There are also Bob's two classic John Wayne mugs presented to Bob for MCLINTOCK! and EL DORADO - two of the four films Duke filmed at Old Tucson. Also located, are three costume designs by Joe De Young of 'Bull' from EL DORADO with Howard Hawks/Paramount labeled mattes - gifts from Hawks himself, Bob's favorite director. He also kept signs, paintings, lamps and set pieces from the various buildings used in town. Costumes include Charlton Heston and James Coburn's garb from THE LAST HARD MEN, a gun rack from the same film, James Garner's reunion Maverick hat and tombstone, Ava Gardner's oval framed picture from THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JUDGE ROY BEAN and hundreds of more items.


  • Actually, Kevin, I think many things will be quite reasonable - other than the rifle and mugs. Many of the pieces are part of the sets, but naming the exact productions will be difficult beyond the 'big' films shot there in addition to the 1000 or more TV episodes of HIGH CHAPARRAL, LITTLE HOUSE and others. For those with sharp eyes and good memories there just may be bargains.

  • Exactly. There are no records as to use. He, and Wayne, kept adding buildings with each picture and Bob shopped for the accoutrements to decorate them and make them look authentic.

    There are no living witness to these halcyon days, as his widow married him after he sold the lot in 1985. But, he kept 1000s of items he felt were important. In addition, he went to the great MGM auction in 1970, and bought truckloads of stuff including 1900 costumes (all lost in the 1995 fire) and odd things like a blue tin tub decorated with flowers.

  • Here is Bob in the warehouse, not too long ago, holding his prize rifle. Most everything you see in this image is in the auction, including the fine guidon to the right of Bob's head I think is from THE ALAMO.

  • Where and when will this auction take place? I went to the JW auction exhibition in 2010 and I bid on many things. I came away with nothing but memories. I met most of the Wayne family, and became friends with one grandchild. I still regret not buying some lamps from his home, I just didn’t think at that time I had the ability. Now I do. Maybe there will be something in this one.

  • There was a wall in Bob's home covered with personally autographed photos from performers with whom he worked. Is it known if the family is keeping those or sending them to auction?

    Very Best,
    OT Xtras[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT]

  • I don't know about you guys, but my tree this AM was pretty devoid of John Wayne items... :thumbdown:

    If, you're suffering from the same malady, here is the stuff dreams are made of:

    EL DORADO saloon scene; Mitchum coming through the door (spoiler alert: bad guy behind the piano!) with Wayne backing up JP in the rear.

  • Don't tell us you are a painter as well as a collector. Love the painting, either way.

    Same here, the wife gave up buying JW stuff for me. She is never sure what I already have or don't have. Heck, sometimes I forget myself. lol


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • 8o

    No, Mark. This is an actual concept painting for the film, that was gifted to Bob Shelton by director Howard Hawks, and is to be part of the auction. So far, it is my favorite piece. I have never seen any production pieces from this film.

  • Ava Gardner, as Lilly Langtry, from THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JUDGE ROY BEAN, directed by John Huston and shot at OLD TUCSON.

    This is not the one in the film, as it lacks a bullet hole and is signed by Gardner to Shelton.