I am pleased to report that the estate of the late Bob Shelton, owner and partner of John Wayne, is now under contract to be sold by RR Auction in March of 2019.
Bob, in having hopes of one day seeing a museum accomplished, kept a truck load of bits and memorabilia from the studio and many of it's productions. Leading the sale is the inscribed 1866 Winchester 94 Centennial rifle (issued in 1966) Wayne gifted Bob in 1970. There are also Bob's two classic John Wayne mugs presented to Bob for MCLINTOCK! and EL DORADO - two of the four films Duke filmed at Old Tucson. Also located, are three costume designs by Joe De Young of 'Bull' from EL DORADO with Howard Hawks/Paramount labeled mattes - gifts from Hawks himself, Bob's favorite director. He also kept signs, paintings, lamps and set pieces from the various buildings used in town. Costumes include Charlton Heston and James Coburn's garb from THE LAST HARD MEN, a gun rack from the same film, James Garner's reunion Maverick hat and tombstone, Ava Gardner's oval framed picture from THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JUDGE ROY BEAN and hundreds of more items.