John Wayne Was Here: The Film Locations and Favorite Places of an American Icon

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  • On my recent visit to Oregon, I seeked out several Rooster Cogburn locations that were never described in detail. Here's a screenshot of the title sequence, with beautiful Mount Bachelor providing the scenic background... and the photo I took 50 years later:

    It's Spark's Lake, seen from the shores at Ray Atkenson's Trailhead. rooster10.jpgIMG_3237.jpg

  • On my recent visit to the Bay Area, I finally managed to get to China Camp, the historic Chinese village which was the principal location of John Wayne's Blood Alley. I'm happy to report, the buildings and the wonderful pier are still standing, and if you take a hike up the hill in the back of the camp, where Batjac put up its "Chinese Wall", you'll still find the fortifications for this backdrop.


    I also found the place near San Rafael where they shot the "ship graveyard" scenes. Find out more on the California page of my location website, including directions:

    John Wayne's California Locations

  • On my last visit to Culver City, I paid a visit to the historic Colonnade Entrance to the original Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, on Washington Boulevard. Incredibly, it still looks like in the Golden Age of Hollywood, when John Wayne walked through this portal to make They Were Expandable and other MGM classics.

    I have put more pics on my location website, check out the Studio Backlot section: Duke Locations Studio Backlots

  • When you think about Sedona, Arizona, as a John Wayne filming location, you think, of course, of "Angel and the Badman". However, before he choose Sedona as the principal location for his first venture as a producer, he was there two years before, to film a short segment for "Tall in the Saddle".

    On my recent visit to Sedona I was able to find the locations for the stagecoach ride in the beginning of Tall in the Saddle, actually the only part of the movie filmed there.

    It's a steep road on Schnebly hill, not easy to access, but the good news is that these rocks don't change. Find more photos to match the original footage of the stagecoach runaway sequence on the Sedona section of my website about John Wayne locations:…ing-sites/sedona-arizona/

  • Maybe we need to throw a larger geographical loop in your case, Mark - let's just say the East Coast :)

    John Wayne was in Washington on several occasions. He attended the reception held by President Nixon for former Vietnam POWs (the largest reception to be held at the White House in the history of the US):

    He was operated on in Boston at Massachusetts General Hospital in April, 1978:

    and of course, he was in the football picture "Salute", travelling to Harvard with his USC classmates resulted in his friendship with Ward Bond.

    Maybe the first time he got to New York was during the promo tour for "The Big Trail", arriving at Grand Central Station and staying at the Astor Hotel.

  • I'm in Maryland, Itdo. Grew up in Baltimore, where movies have been made over the years. But I don't think Duke ever stepped foot in my neck of the woods.


    I escaped the Peoples Republic of Marylandstan two years ago...moved to Free America in Arizona. I lived in MD my entire's sad that it's become a high tax and freedom sucking state.

    "It was me...I shot Liberty Valance."

  • When John Wayne goes treasure hunting in The Trail Beyond, he stands in front of a mountain and calls out: "That's White Peak all right. And according to this map, the mine must be right below!", did you ever wonder: where is this landmark? I recently searched for the filming locations in the Mammoth Lakes Basin - and found the Duke's footprints. It was Mammoth Rock which stood in as the fictional White Peak.

    Check the new entry out on my website:

    Duke Location Mammoth