Bass Reeves

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  • I hope Duke fans here will be interested in this article on Black cowboys - mentioned is Bass Reeves:

    “ … And we now know that the Lone Ranger, a traveling white hero named Reed featured in movies, TV and radio dramas, was almost certainly inspired by legendary Black lawman Bass Reeves. In his 32-year career, deputy US marshal Reeves fought crime with several Native American partners and handed out silver dollars. “Bass Reeves is the closest person to resemble the Lone Ranger”

    ‘A history that’s been suppressed’: the Black cowboy story is 200 years old
    Historians estimate a quarter of settlers of the US west were Black, moving cattle on horseback, settling towns and keeping the peace

    Bass Reeves - Wikipedia

  • Being a native Okie, I’m very proud of his association to our State and the City of Muskogee.

    There’s a great statue of him over in Ft. Smith.

    I just noticed the article about black cowboys. We have a great history in Oklahoma of black cowboys. One of the biggest black cowboy rodeos is held in Okmulgee.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Bill Picket was probably the most famous of the cowboys.

    Here’s a Wikipedia article about him and a story about black rodeos in Oklahoma

    Bill Pickett - Wikipedia

    Documentary 'Riding Legacy' rounds up Oklahoma's Black cowboy history at OKC festival
    The documentary is making its official world premiere during the June 8-11 deadCenter Film Festival in downtown Oklahoma City.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Thanks for posting that.

    I started in on the Wikipedia page and just kept going for a good long while Great stuff.

    Too bad this material is not being taught in schools.

    Of course, when's the last time you spotted a kid watching " The Lone Ranger " or strapping on their cap gun and riding their stick pony ?