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  • Hello to all the John Wayne fans out there. I very greatful that I stumbled on to this very site. I also proud to be a member community webpage on John Wayne a true hero that hardly any other actor could match. John Wayne would be honored by this website. So many websites are dedicated to actors who have no morals and stand for complete evil which John Wayne stood against. John Wayne is the best that there is. Thank God for John Wayne:teeth_smile:

    Welcome Wayne001. Gald you found us and look forward to getting to know you.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • E-P Hoffman here, glad to join.:teeth_smile: I never imagined there were this many John wayne nuts.:hyper:

    Welcome E-P Hoffman to the message board. As you aill soon find out we are all alittle "nutty" in our own way, especially about JW!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • This is a great website. Found it while looking for John Wayne collections. The Duke Triva is informative, also like "Three word story"... and more. Still learning my way around, and everything that I have read about John Wayne here; "This IS the website to be a part of to remember the man himself John Wayne." :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

  • This is a great website. Found it while looking for John Wayne collections. The Duke Triva is informative, also like "Three word story"... and more. Still learning my way around, and everything that I have read about John Wayne here; "This IS the website to be a part of to remember the man himself John Wayne." :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

    Welcome aboard dtdz2!! You'll find alot of friendly folks here, and also make some long term friends too. :teeth_smile:

  • Hello and welcome to the site dtdz2. You will find a great group of people around here spo come back often.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Well, I rather grew up with the cowboy movies -- I generally refuse to call them Westerns -- of World War II and the 40s, and John Wayne happened along toward the mid-point of my viewing life. But -- to risk being branded as a heretic from the start -- it was the glorious scenery of the West and then John Ford that got me hooked on Wayne. Further possible heresy, it is only the cowboy Wayne who holds my affection.

    I regularly teach a junior-senior seminar on the literature and politics of the American West, for which I always show Liberty Valance and The Searchers.

  • Hello and welcome to this great forum, gs37.

    It's ok if you just like the "cowboy Wayne". Like Chester said, Duke is Duke. Whenever John Wayne's name is mentioned, most people instantly see a "cowboy" in their minds first I'm sure.

    Don't be shy, visit often !


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "