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  • Hi guys and gals !!! I feel like a newbie, so I hope it's okay to pop up in here !! Life got super crazy for a while, which kept me busy !!! Also, bought a new house !! Finally feeling settled and finding time to indulge in a JW fix or two !!!

    Watched Tall In The Saddle again the other evening, so now am craving more....

    Dee x

  • Hi guys and gals !!! I feel like a newbie, so I hope it's okay to pop up in here !! Life got super crazy for a while, which kept me busy !!! Also, bought a new house !! Finally feeling settled and finding time to indulge in a JW fix or two !!!

    Watched Tall In The Saddle again the other evening, so now am craving more....

    Dee x

    Good to see you back

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thankyou ethanedwards !! Working on my which JW movie to watch next list.... just keep on changing my mind !!! And planning on lurking around on here, so much to catch up on !!

    Dee x

  • Greetings Forum Members,

    Hi my name is John Winn. I was taken to my first Duke movie when i was eight and the show was Rooster Cogburn. This made a lasting impression on me, it helped that my mother and older sister were both duke fans. fast forward to now and I will literally stop my life when a Duke flick come on the tube. I own all of his later movies from 1942 thru 1976(minus Circus World and Geisha) on DVD, all those out on blue ray, and have ripped and stored all the optical media to storage drives. For me i'd like to see Hellfighters, Hatari, and Donovan's Reef as some of the next to be released on Blu.

    Thanks for your time,


  • Hi Grilk

    WELCOME to The JWMB-
    The Original John Wayne Message Board
    where fans come to have fun!

    Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
    and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.

    You may find these links useful:-

    John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke

    Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations

    Hope to hear more from you John

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hello everybody. My name is Ron and I've been a huge Duke fan since I was a kid (now almost 50) and I own almost all of the Duke's films. I am an extensive researcher in finding his films (since I'm a huge fan) especially those hard to find. I try and pick a Duke film to watch at least once a week because there are none better in my opinion. Glad to be here with you all in discussing the great one's films and life and I have come here to gather any new info I can get and to give all of you info you might be looking for (which is the reason I joined in the first place!) Make sure to check my post concerning info on Adventures End!

  • Welcome to the group, Ron.You found the right place to share your love of John Wayne with many like-minded fans. Sit and stay a while!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hello everybody. My name is Ron and I've been a huge Duke fan since I was a kid (now almost 50) and I own almost all of the Duke's films. I am an extensive researcher in finding his films (since I'm a huge fan) especially those hard to find. I try and pick a Duke film to watch at least once a week because there are none better in my opinion. Glad to be here with you all in discussing the great one's films and life and I have come here to gather any new info I can get and to give all of you info you might be looking for (which is the reason I joined in the first place!) Make sure to check my post concerning info on Adventures End!

    Hi welcome I too am into researching and watching JW films (see my post re rare and lost films)

    Were you able to see Adventure's end as I understand LOC has a viewing room?

    I envy you living so close as they have a few other rare JW films I would love to see.

    Be who you are & say what you feel Because those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind

  • Hi IsThatYou

    WELCOME to The JWMB-
    The Original John Wayne Message Board
    where fans come to have fun!

    Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
    and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.

    You may find these links useful:-

    John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke

    Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi Roman

    WELCOME to The JWMB-
    The Original John Wayne Message Board
    where fans come to have fun!

    Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
    and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.

    You may find these links useful:-

    John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke

    Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • A Giant Welcome to all we've missed during our unfortunate absence from the Greatest John Wayne Message board of them all!

    The Mrs. and I have had some work commitments that have bogged us down, and now hope they are behind us now and we can continue to help keep Duke's legacy a'going !

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Hi Doniphon Tom Doniphon

    WELCOME to The JWMB-
    The Original John Wayne Message Board
    where fans come to have fun!

    Please take a look around, we're a friendly bunch of folks,
    and there is a wealth of information to see, regarding the great man.

    You may find these links useful:-

    John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke

    Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations

    Well my friend we've kinda been around a fair piece,
    but glad you found us in the end, please join in

    Best Wishes
    London- England