Posts by JWfan

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    hi Cole Thornton

    You are right about European people that are interested in the American civil war.
    I guess almost every country have had a civil war, but the American civil war is the most famous because of the huge scale battles and the great leaders who can now still be recognized as the great military leaders like Lee and Jackson. Other civil wars like the dutch civil war of 1787-1789 which was caused by the fourth anglo-dutch war were no great battles like Gettysburg or something.

    I am also very interested in the the American civil war, I have seen the movies Gettysburg with Martin Sheen, Jeff Daniels, Sam Elliot and Tom Berenger and Gods and Generals.
    But what always fascinates me is how Lee could continue fighting against the north while he was outsupplied and outnumbered and still came up with brillian ideas

    cya Jwfan

    hi ringo kid,

    I would like to know of you who are in your opinion the greatest military leaders of all time (naval and field commanders)

    here is my list:

    1. Hannibal
    2. Napoleon
    3. Michiel adriaanszoon de Ruyter
    4. Alexander the Great
    5. Patton
    6. Gustav Adolphus
    7. Wallenstein
    8. John Churchill Marlborough
    9. Horatio Nelson
    10. Julius Caesar
    11. Maarten Tromp
    12. Frederick the Great
    13. Erwin Rommel

    cya Jwfan

    hi ringo kid,

    I have never heard of Walther-Peer Fellgiebel although I have heard of the firefighting unit.

    But I am fascinated about the fact that most people in the US dont know the european history before the napoleontic wars, because here in Holland about everyone knows about the history before napoleon and also about later wars like the korea war. But that I guess has something to do that people here in Holland have always been interested in history. So I guess you also havent heard of names like: Gustav Adolphus, Prince Maurice of Orange, Cromwell, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Rembrandt, William the Silent, Peter the Great and Frederick the Great, just to name a few.

    cya Jwfan

    Hi viper, I know that warfare on sea has changed between Nelson and Nimitz but I am asking who is the greatest naval commander during the age of sail, from the battle at Lepanto (1571) until the battle at Trafalgar (1805). In that time the naval warfare has not changed much. Michiel de Ruyter and Nelson could easily be compared because in their battles they both used the line tactics.

    I personal think that de Ruyter was greater, not only because he was Dutch but he was the founder of the marine corps, the only one who had the guts to break the chains at chatham and attack London but he also won the greatest naval battle in the 17th and 18th century.

    So I am asking to the american people who is greater Nelson or de Ruyter because I have had lots of discussions with English people about this subject.

    cya Jwfan

    I have a question that has nothing to do with this topic, but I have had on the internet often discussions with English people about who is the greatest naval commander Nelson or Michiel de Ruyter now I'd like to know from the Americans who they think is the greatest.

    cya JWfan

    I agree with the ringo kid about the battle at Stalingrad, the version with Jude Law and Ed harris with the 2 snipers is not accurate enough, the battle would be shown on the way as The Longest Day or a Bridge too Far.

    I also hope there would once be a movie about Michiel de Ruyter (my favorite historical naval leader), and about his (small) invasion of England.

    cya JWfan

    This topic has not much to do with John Wayne, but I am curious about what you think of what historical events/battles should be made movies from.
    The latest version of The Alamo was really bad but I would like to see a new version about Little Big Horn. And not a version like the movie with Errol Flynn.

    other historical battles that I would like to see on movie are:
    - the story about the 300 spartans.
    - the battle at salamis.
    - I also like to see a movie about the anglo-dutch wars in the 17th century those wars are about the only naval wars that are not on film. And then especially a good report about the four days battle

    what historical battles would you like to see on film?

    cya JWfan

    Stumpy wasnt kings of the sun not the movie with at the end an attack of the aztecs on the temple?
    It it is I have seen it, pretty good movie.

    cya jwfan

    for the opening music I would say El Dorado and Chisum and favourite themes in movies I think:

    Stagecoach, The Alamo, The Comancheros and the music part at the end in True Grit when John Wayne is riding on blackie with Kim Darby that is one of the best music parts I have ever heard.

    cya Jwfan

    I would wish duke didnt made all the movies between The Big Trail and Stagecoach.

    I dont know why fans hate the death of the Duke in The Cowboys but I think It is not so bad, because duke knows he had already beaten Bruce Dern in the fist fight, and walks away Dern shoots his first shot in the arm, but he dont turned around because he protected in my opinion his own dignity against the the children.
    (I have too agree I prefer to see Wayne dieing in the middle of the fight then on this couartly way, but Bern is the perfect bad guy also like in Will Penny).

    I also wish he didnt made:
    The Qonquer
    Legends of the lost
    Blood Alley

    Robbie why didnt you want that the duke made The Horse Soldiers?
    I am glad he made It because he played only in 5 westerns in the 50's without It only 4, I love the ending.
    And I cant imagine to see duke as Chris in the Magnificent seven.

    movies I wish he did made:
    -Bandolero in stead of Jimmy Stewart.
    -Dirty harry
    -Cheyenne Autumn as a worty ending coorporation with Ford instead of Donovans Reef
    -Two Mules for sister sarah
    -The Wild Bunch
    -Blazing Saddles
    -The Professionals


    This is a little bit strange question for A John Wayne messageboard, but I think that I am the only one Dutch here and I'm just curious to what you think when you hear the name Holland

    I think the most of you will answer Anne Frank

    veel geluk
    good luck

    cya jwfan

    This is an funny question Chester.

    These are my favourites:

    1. Donovans Reef

    2. Home Alone

    3. Muppets Christmas Carrol

    And an movie with Arnold the Governator but I cant remember the name.


    hi all,
    I thought that Russel Crowe was going to play Davy Crockett, but I can be wrong.

    I'm looking forward to see the movie, and I hope that in Holland Wayne comes in the news again.

