First of all I want to say that I have not put work into making a list of all the films, nor in the order they were released.
As I have mentioned before I have used this list to work with:
This was the site which from I found this message board in the first place since it links to the forum, and I actually thought that these two sites were connected by the people maintaining them. I have corrected a couple of mistakes, but seen others that I have not corrected. I thought there would be others on this message board that might be sitting with more complete lists.
What I have done is put a lot of time trying to get an overview over which movies are available on DVD in region 2. This is work I have done entirely for my own sake, but since there might be others looking for these movies I thought it was a shame not to make this information available since it is pretty time consuming work unless you speak a whole bunch of different languages. Besides it may be fun to compare what is available in different regions.
Keith: If you have this list available maybe you could share it. I agree that we can't all keep printing massive lists, but if there is to be compiled one list on this message board I think it will involve a bit of work regardless of how you aproach this task. If we have a list start with people can comment on errors as we go along.
Popol Vuh