Posts by Popol Vuh

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    Hi Keith

    I'm still around. I check in to see what's going on every day. Just been really busy lately and just briefly read through the threads. A short break that I still enjoy very much. I'm sure I'll be back posting more when I have more time on my hands.

    Best wishes to you and everyone else on the message board too.

    Popol Vuh

    I just want to say I am glad that Hondo and the rest of you are OK. We also see the horrible pictures from where the hurricane hit. Looks like a lot of people have had their lifes ruined.

    As for gasoline prices they are now about 7$ a gallon here in Norway. Quite a difference in taxes on gasoline in Europe and the US. Over half of the price is taxes and we are one of the worlds biggest oil exporters.

    Popol Vuh


    Give it a rest Keith. The girls don't want you and now you start hitting on the men?

    Hey! I have said no such thing! :D

    I could be wrong you know. Now the mature thing would be for the culprit to step forward. I cannot see how they could choose not to do it now that the rumours are starting to flourish.

    Popol Vuh

    Hi Keith.

    I have my suspiscions to who added the IM. But like Stumpy I only have suspiscions so I won't tell either. :newyear:

    Popol Vuh


    Originally posted by ethanedwards@Aug 12 2005, 01:40 AM

    You've really given all our friends, on the board,
    an insight, on how our members, in Norway live!!!!


    You mean there are more than one? It's a very good life though. Hope you one day you can also experience this sort of happiness.

    Popol Vuh

    Here is a tip Keith.

    Try to put your computer and telephone real close to your bed and have your TV and DVD player in your bedroom. This way you don't have to get out of bed at all. You can order pizza home so you don't have to cook. The cardboard boxes the pizzas came in are excellent for muffling out the sound from your familly when they start nagging you. Just place them against the walls and soon you will have a soundproof room.

    I hope this helps and good luck!

    Popol Vuh

    Hi EE.

    I'm afraid it's quite obvious that things are happening behind your back. You have apparently lost out to the other fellows. Just forget about this and get on with your life. Time heals all wounds.

    Popol Vuh

    I googled your lyrics

    Is this it?

    ejgreen: Yes, you are probably right about that you might need a seperate list. When it comes to "Rookie of the Year" however I felt that it was John Wayne starring in a short movie. From what I understand Screen Directors Playhouse were all separate stories. They were not linked to each other. At least not from what I could see. I have a couple of these on DVD. Mind you, I'm still not disagreeing with you, just pointing out that it wasn't a regular guest appereance.

    Hondo: Yes it is complicated. If it wasn't we could all have downloaded a list from the internet. That's why we need the discussion. I'm just trying raise some questions, since I really don't feel I'm qualified to answer any of these questions. Even if we stay with the movies on the big screen it will be complicated. I believe we would need to discuss a few of the movies individually, and as I see this process has already started.

    Popol Vuh

    Discussions! That's good.

    A couple of other things to discuss.
    Rookie of the Year and Flashing Spikes. Both of them missing on Keith's list and one of them on mine. Should they be on the list. I havent seen Falshing Spikes, but I feel that Rookie of the Year with John Wayne in the lead role should be kept in.

    Keith: Along with the ones you added you also cut out a few from the other list. I assume this is correct, but I guess you could verify?


    I haven't seen any of these either so I wouldn't know.

    Popol Vuh

    And very well done.

    Chester: check your PM's.

    Hondo: I'm not sure I understand what you are asking, but if I understand this right, the production date would give a more correct picture of what John Wayne did when. That might be an argument for production date. It's no big deal to me one way or the other though.

    Popol Vuh


    First of all I want to say that I have not put work into making a list of all the films, nor in the order they were released.

    As I have mentioned before I have used this list to work with:

    This was the site which from I found this message board in the first place since it links to the forum, and I actually thought that these two sites were connected by the people maintaining them. I have corrected a couple of mistakes, but seen others that I have not corrected. I thought there would be others on this message board that might be sitting with more complete lists.

    What I have done is put a lot of time trying to get an overview over which movies are available on DVD in region 2. This is work I have done entirely for my own sake, but since there might be others looking for these movies I thought it was a shame not to make this information available since it is pretty time consuming work unless you speak a whole bunch of different languages. Besides it may be fun to compare what is available in different regions.

    Keith: If you have this list available maybe you could share it. I agree that we can't all keep printing massive lists, but if there is to be compiled one list on this message board I think it will involve a bit of work regardless of how you aproach this task. If we have a list start with people can comment on errors as we go along.

    Popol Vuh

    Hi Chester and Stumpy

    I'd like to say first that I'm not asking this to start a political discussion, but to understand how things work and how you think.

    When you say that you "feel that defense is the only legitimate function of the government", I automaticly start to think about things like the justice system, the police, fire fighting and infrastructure which I see as things that need to to be centrally organized. I was just wondering if there is something I don't understand about what is government and what is an individual states responsibility or you have some other way of solving it?

    I'm just curious. I won't be arguing against or agreeing with any responses.

    Popol Vuh