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    Same here, Hondo. I have 2 Blu-ray players and 2 DVD players. So it comes in handy when there's both formats in one package. Or if one of my kids wants to borrow a movie that just came out, but they don't have Blu-ray, so they can still see it in the DVD format. And I try to always buy the combo pks just for that purpose.

    The combo releases are also great when you're on the move.
    I had She Wore a Yellow Ribbon and The Searchers on the ipad for the 11 hour flight from London to Vegas! It's much easier to rip from DVD than Blu Ray.

    I also had Rango on there. Has anyone else seen it and been amused at the John Ford and Sergio Leone nature of some of the shots; it's very clever and funny.

    Off topic but I was on a roll! ;)

    This film is released on DVD/Blu-Ray. I've seen it at Wal-mart for $12.99. So I included it in my collection. Not a great movie, but it is Duke, so I now have it. I didn't have to buy the box set.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo

    Thanks for sharing Hondo,

    I've ordered The Big Trail also, had to pay through the nose as Walmart doesn't ship internationally. One of the downsides of being on the other side of the pond!
    Hondo is the release I'm really looking forward to.


    It's a typo -- they've now released a corrected release. Here's the corrected language:

    Includes Interviews with MICHAEL WAYNE | BEN JOHNSON | HARRY CAREY JR.

    Thanks for the update Paula. That makes much more sense.
    Hopefully it'll be a good transfer.


    I've had a chance to sit down and look at the 10-disc John Wayne Collection from Fox.

    The good news is that The Barbarian and the Geisha looks lovely and to my surprise has the original 4-track audio soundtrack. The extras are as follows: original theatrical trailer, 4 Fox Movietone newsreels and a photo gallery.

    Duke fans who have the other 9 titles should stay away of course. It's best to buy the combo pack (Blu-ray/DVD) from Walmart.

    Another useful update.

    Does anyone know if Walmart do international shipping as it sounds like a Blu Ray purchase?



    Nope, Legend of the Lost has no forced subtitles like the French release of Circus World.

    It should be noted that the subtitles for Circus World aren't hard-encoded directly onto the print itself. By re-ripping the BD they can be removed, but this is something most people won't do of course. I removed them and then re-encoded the film using the x264 encoder.

    Call me crazy but I really don't want to see subtitles if I don't want to.

    Totally, totally agree with you on the subtitles front. I've ripped a few Blu Rays before for exactly that reason!
    I'm working my way through my older DVDs and ripping them onto an external drive so I can put them in the loft to create some space so I hear where your coming from.

    Yes, I have the Legend of the Lost Blu-ray from Koch Media.

    The film itself is encoded at 23.97 fps. The extras are 25.00 fps, which are the English and German trailers and a slideshow of stills, posters and lobby cards.

    It has both German and English mono audio along with the same for the subtitles.

    That is a great help; thanks again Roughrider!
    I take it the English audio doesn't have forced subtitles as per the French release of Circus World?

    All sounds like it's one to get.

    Is anyone else stunned at the choice of films they've released to date on Blu Ray!?! The Conqueror and The Barbarian and the Geisha are hardly high points in the Duke's career!

    You were lucky to have found a wife who loves the films of John Wayne, I'm still looking for it ...
    The last holiday I have been in those places and even now I stop to watch the hundreds of photos ... and dream ...

    Ciao Frank,
    I am indeed very luck.
    My wife had little choice; now she has embraced the films of the Duke, and on occasion, even requests them!
    On Sunday she watched True Grit for the first time and said how much more she enjoyed it to the Coen brothers version.

    The Region A BD of The Barbarian and the Geisha, released today exclusively to US Walmart stores, is all Fox so to speak. Hopefully they've put more effort into the encoding.

    Thanks so much Rough Rider that's a huge help all round.
    I am a self confessed techno freak so it's good to hear there are others out there.
    I have been tempted with the Barbarian and the Geisha and North to Alaska but it sounds like they're worth giving a miss, hopefully studio based releases will follow.

    Have you tried the Legends of the Lost Blu ray?

    I look forward to someone posting a technical review of the walmart Barbarian and the Geisha release.

    [quote='ethanedwards','']Great shot and when you compare them to the original scenes,
    taken from our opening post, looks like nothing has changed!


    Stagecoach- Location Photos

    Thanks Keith,

    I did try to shoot most of the angles I could remember from Searchers, Fort Apache and Stagecoach; tricky when you're on a fiesty Mustang named Geronimo!

    You could buy the Blu-ray which also includes the DVD version.…ay-DVD-Exclusive/20531023

    Thanks Rough Rider.

    I'll be interested if anyone has bought these to see if they've been properly remastered for Blu Ray?
    How the West was Won and Rio Lobo for instance are fantastic transfers as is Fort Apache. Horse Soldiers on the other hand is a little ropey in places and not massively better than the DVD.

    Sorry if I'm repeating what has gone before!

    There have been a batch of Duke soundtracks released of late, most limited editions, including:

    North to Alaska (Intrada)
    Hellfighters (Intrada)
    Legend of the Lost (Kritzerland)
    Barbarian and the Geisha (Kritzerland)

    Good to see some are filling the non-western gaps.

    If anybody sees The Barbarian and the Geisha, available on dvd format, ( not on blue ray and not in a box set) Region 1, let me know. iv'e decided not to go to blue rays. the difference is not enough for me to change. thanks.

    Barbarian and the Geisha is widely available here in the UK. May be region free, I can check my one, if you're interested. I also got my copy of the barbarian and the geisha CD, which has just been re-released for the first time in ages, limited to 1,000 copies so move fast if you're interested in the music from The Duke's films.

    Off to Watch King of Pecos now for the first time, a tough one to track down here in the UK.