Posts by The Duke Is The Man

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    Hey Duke! Maybe that guy in Denmark has a copy of The Oregon Trail? Maybe he knows somebody? Does he claim to have a copy of Adventures End on tape? Disc? Is he willing to negotiate?

    I spoke to a person in Denmark that I usually buy hard to find music from (I'm also a big music collector) and he is a big John Wayne fan also. He told me about this collector there who claimed to have many hard to find John Wayne films. I spoke to him through my friend for a couple of minutes and he claimed he had a "copy" of the film Adventure's End. When I asked in what form he just said a "copy" of the film, so I don't know. I'm leaving at the end of next week (after July 4th holiday) and am spending three weeks over there. Now that the news of The Oregon Trail came to us today, I had a lead on a supposed copy of it in Belgium that I stopped pursuing when the news of Olive Films came out. I am stepping up that search again and will hopefully get in touch with that one soon and especially while there. I have found in my travels and searches that many of these "lost" films turn up in Europe and the Eastern Bloc nations (including Russia) because they were distributed there originally when the films came out and then were never sent back and kept there. If they have copies I will come back with a copy somehow!

    Olive Films canceled The Oregon Trail (Republic, 1936). They acquired the rights but couldn't find the elements, according to a post on another forum.

    I did not hear about that Richard-W. That is such a shame and letdown as that is one that I thought I could finally stop looking for. Well I guess it's back to finding The Oregon Trail also! Thanks for the info Richard-W.

    Wow, I have just read through this entire thread. I have to wonder why anyone (person or organization) would want to hold back any copies of any of John Wayne film for any reason. I simply cannot understand why every effort wouldn't be made to get it out to the public. Reading earlier threads about money, surely there would be support to get this done for those films that may be able to be restored. I forget the name right off the bat, but I have recently seen millions raised by fans to make a movie. Maybe that same thing can be done for a John Wayne film.

    You are probably thinking about the movie being made of the TV show "Veronica Mars" that raised millions using Kickstarter. Kickstarter is one avenue that I have thought about using, along with all the cowpokes here talking about they haven't had a good fundraiser in a while. I really don't think the money being raised is as much of an issue at this point, it's getting NBC Universal who owns the copyright, to allow it to be restored and released. I have already brought this up to them and it's fallen on deaf ears most of the time. I have received a few emails back with some glitter of hope attached, but not a resounding go ahead with our blessing. A little while back (Elly I believe) posted that we all should flood NBC Universal and Roni Lubliner with emails concerning this. What everybody should do is flood them with emails asking if they would consider helping with the release of Adventure's End if we raised the money for it to be restored, no matter what the condition of the master at LOC!

    Awhile back someone said that the marx bros. fan club was able to get the movie they wanted. If that was true, ( Soup to nuts ) then where
    there's a will, there's a way. I doubt that there are more of those fans then there are J.W. fans! Maybe we should talk to someone from their
    fan base and see how they did it? Maybe they were a little lucky. Maybe they had reasonable people to work with!

    That was I that posted the info. It was actually the Three Stooges first feature film "Soup To Nuts" that was brought back to life after disappearing for years by the Three Stooges fan club. The difference is the studios involved. For some reason NBC Universal doesn't want Adventure's End or the other three John Wayne did between 1936-1937 for them to see the light of day. Not sure if it's the product, a deal made years ago by Trem Carr, Arthur Lubin or even John Wayne for them to just disappear and not reappear. I have spoken to the fan club and am trying to undo whatever deal was made so that we can see Adventure's End again. I own the other three (I Cover The War, Conflict & California Straight Ahead) and would like for all to own Adventure's End!


    I doubt we talked to the same individual since I know this guy in real life and have known him for many years. He doesn't answer the phone or even talk to outsiders about things like this. I met him when I worked in DC years ago and we used to go sailing together. But anyway, he actually went down and looked at the film the last time we talked and he said it would be hard to get a decent copy made from the master because of it's condition. And they will NOT make you a copy to take out of the LOC, the copy they make is only for viewing and taking notes at the LOC. You can't bring in any recording equipment and to say you're making a documentary they have to have documentation to that effect, copyright releases, commitment papers from a production company for the documentary. He said they've had people try to scam them before and they always get denied access.

    There is a chance that it isn't the same guy that I always speak to when I'm at the LOC. Since you have known him for many years and in real life (what I live in also!) maybe it is a different person. I have lived in the DC area for over 50 years (my whole life) and have used the LOC for at least half of it and know the people/rules there very well. If you read my post throughly it says that I have spoken to a few people about doing a documentary on John Wayne's lost films and using that angle to finally see the film. That is not a SCAM and I was not implying a scam to see the film. I know the LOC rules and policies very well and have been working with them to try and get this film out so not only myself but all the fans get to see it. I've been at this for a few years now and scamming is not one of the ways that I use to get things done.

    Hey all. Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been on that never ending trek to get things done. I received the update that Lenny above posted and I believe we know the same guy. He is very informative and has been helping me a great deal at LOC on my many travels there. Most of what Lenny says is true except that I have been told by a few people there that the LOC copy is actually in good shape. I have also tried many times to view the film but as Lenny stated, it has to be for a documentary film project, college paper, etc. I am starting to also talk to people about doing a documentary on John Wayne's "lost" films to get in with that angle. We'll see how that goes! I have been around and around with NBC Universal about the copyright which at first they denied having or renewing. Roni Lubliner is a real tool to deal with (the one that first told me they didn't have the copyright and didn't even have that title listed in their history!) but I have been tireless trying to get this worked out in some way. NBC Universal doesn't want to waste any money on an old film that they can't make big $ on, hence the stance of shunning any inquiries. In my talks at LOC I said that even a copy that was in fair/poor shape would bring many sold copies just for the sheer value/history of the film to the many John Wayne fans. I am still working on getting this film released in some way and will not stop until it is done. I've been working too many years to get it done to stop now and have been in contact with a few people that have gotten other films in this manner released. I am also about to travel overseas to visit a couple of leads that have told me about copies of this film existing with a couple of collectors. We know how that sometimes goes but I have done this many times before and it just has to be done to get the right answer. One is in Denmark and I've spoken to this one personally so we'll see. I PROMISE to keep you up to date on my travels and attempts to get this done as it is not only something I want to see but know that all those Duke fans want to see it also. Keep up the great work here and I'll be talking to you soon. Just enjoy the great reissues from Olive Films until we get this done!

    Well I finally received a phone call back from the people at Universal Pictures and they do not own the rights to Adventure's End. So now I'm on the quest to find out who does own the rights or (this would be great) it is public domain (not a great chance) I will be back in touch when new information is found and will keep you informed as this WILL get done!

    Howdy partners! Been real busy but wanted to give an update along with some info with Colorado Bob's posts. I have been in contact with Universal about the rights to Adventures End and am trying to convince them on getting Adventures End out to the public where it belongs. I've also been in contact with a few production houses on costs for restoring and it all falls into the catagory of the film's condition, which I'm told is rather good (that's great news!) As for the on site viewing of the film at LOC, you have to prove you are doing research of some kind for an article, film study, etc. to be granted permission to see the film. They don't allow anybody to just walk in off the street to come in and watch films (I tried and that's how I became entrenched at the LOC!) As soon as I can get some of the loose ends tied down and have some concrete numbers for restoration of the film, I'll let you cowpokes know. I also suggest that everybody email Universal and let it be known that you also want them to work towards getting Adventures End out in the public as I have told them numerous times that films were made for the public to view and not be in some vault collecting dust and wasting away!

    Hey guys, ethan (Keith) is right. I wouldn't start a thread yet until more info and rights are hammered out. I'm in the process of doing all that. Yes we can help! I think I mentioned this once before that the first Three Stooges film "Soup To Nuts" was fully restored and funded by a Three Stooges fan club, so it can be done. I'm still getting info together on what the cost will be and will pass it on as soon as I can. There is a safety stock version of Adventures End so the cost might be less than if it was only on nitrate stock. I will keep you informed everytime there is new info.

    Nothing new yet, as I am working on finding any possible new info on restoring Adventures End. As Elly's post before mine shows, the info received fom Rosemary Hanes (who I know very well) is that Adventures End survives on 35mm nitrate film, which is very fragile. Sometimes you only get one shot at restoring a film on nitrate and not knowing what the condition of the whole film is yet (although I'm told it's in good condition), I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've written to many distributors and studios looking for someone to take on this restoration or help with the funding and have been getting a few back of some interest. I'm trying to get some sort of ballpark figure on the cost of restoring it and working with the LOC on that end. I hope that this will pay off and we will get this done! I'll keep you all updated with any new info as I get it. The great news is that many of Duke's "lost" films have been located and only considered "lost" that they are not commercially available. They do survive and I am one that is trying to get them restored and available for all to view and enjoy as they were meant to be!

    Hey all! As I see Paula has already informed all about Olive Films releasing The Oregon Trail and this is true! Through my research at the Library Of Congress they have a copy also but Olive has obtained a copy and they are very well known (as a few have already mentioned) for their beautiful restoration versions. I own all the current Duke titles from Olive and they are fantastic quality! This is great news that they will be doing the restoration work that I informed all earlier that I was told could be done at a large cost. I'm glad that Paula has updated you with this great news and now I'm back to the dungeon researching for the other lost films of John Wayne. Talk to you soon.
    P.S. I have been in contact with a collector in Denmark who says he has a print of Words And Music (1929) and am working on confirming this. Will keep you informed.

    Hey all! As I see Paula has already informed all about Olive Films releasing The Oregon Trail and this is true! Through my research at the Library Of Congress they have a copy also but Olive has obtained a copy and they are very well known (as a few have already mentioned) for their beautiful restoration versions. I own all the current Duke titles from Olive and they are fantastic quality! This is great news that they will be doing the restoration work that I informed all earlier that I was told could be done at a large cost. I'm glad that Paula has updated you with this great news and now I'm back to the dungeon researching for the other lost films of John Wayne. Talk to you soon.
    P.S. I have been in contact with a collector in Denmark who says he has a print of Words And Music (1929) and am working on confirming this. Will keep you informed.

    Hey all, sorry I haven't posted any updates since my first post. I recently visited the Library Of Congress Film and Sound Division and they do have a complete print of Adventures End. I spoke to one of the curators there at length concerning this film and The Duke and was told again that it would take a studio or a large contribution of money to restore the print for public distribution. This has been done in the past though and I was told that it happened in the case of the first Three Stooges film "Soup To Nuts" that was restored and paid by a Three Stooges fan club. So there is hope! We are also still looking for that print of The Oregon Trail, which I will let everybody know once I have an answer. I've been spending a lot of time there lately. The Library of Congress viewing room does not allow the public to just come in off the street and view any film. You have to fit a certain criteria as in doing research (which I am trying to use as my excuse!) or making a documentary or publishing a book/article, etc. So I will let all of you know what my research comes up with!

    These are great stills from one of the Duke's "lost" films that I am glad to see. I have some great news for all of you Duke fans (which is the reason I joined here) concerning Adventures End. I have been in contact with the Library of Congress (which I don't live far from) and have confirmed that they have a complete print of Adventures End! I was told that they do not make copies of the existing print for the public due to the cost that it would take to restore it and do all of the grunt work involved in the process. I was told that if the money was raised or if a studio paid the money to have it restored that it could be and they have done it in the past with other films in their vaults. They are also checking for a print of The Oregon Trail for me at the moment and if I get any more info on that lost gem I will certainly pass it along.

    Hello everybody. My name is Ron and I've been a huge Duke fan since I was a kid (now almost 50) and I own almost all of the Duke's films. I am an extensive researcher in finding his films (since I'm a huge fan) especially those hard to find. I try and pick a Duke film to watch at least once a week because there are none better in my opinion. Glad to be here with you all in discussing the great one's films and life and I have come here to gather any new info I can get and to give all of you info you might be looking for (which is the reason I joined in the first place!) Make sure to check my post concerning info on Adventures End!