Posts from SXViper in thread „Escape From Fort Bravo“

    Yes, having a big tv with a surrond sound system helps, the changes to the new DVD are that it is "anamorphic widescreen" as opposed to "letterbox". That means that there is less of a bar on the top and bottom(which doesn't matter on a big screen). Also they "cleaned up" the video frame by frame which if you look at the old one there are times where there are scratches or "dirt" or just a blurry spot in parts of it. Also the sound is much better.


    I agree with you totally about re-releasing movies. Makes things tough and expensive. And yes, I have the new version and it totally blows the "old" one away. I recommend getting it. You will not be disappointed.

    I liked that film as well, but, my all time favorite John Sturges movies are The Magnificent Seven and The Great Escape. In fact The Great Escape just come out on DVD in a special edition in the last few months and they cleaned it up from the original DVD version and gave it 5.1 surrond sound. Great movie!!