Posts from SXViper in thread „New Technology“

    Whoa whoa guys!! Lets reign it in here now. This is a friendly board, and I am sure Stumpy never meant any harm. That's just Stumpy.

    I do want to way in on some of your comments concerning the DVD's being so fragile though. I have roughly 150 DVD's at the moment and don't have a problem with any of them. The biggest thing about the DVD, which JohnWayneabe alluded too, is the picture/sound quality. The reason for that is the amount of data that can be stored on a DVD is much greater then a VHS tape. Now are they fragile?yes and no. Fragile as in you cannot bounce them around like a VHS tape, but not so fragile that if you just make sure they get back in there cases after each use.

    And in that last statement lies the true benefit of DVD over a VHS tape. Uses, as in watching multiple times, I would bet that if the same care was taken with a VHS and dvd that the video on the DVD would be as it was the first time you watch it 20 years from buying it brand new. Now lets say you watch each format, VHS and DVD 1 time a week for 20 years. That VHS picture quality will be very deteriated. DVD is here to stay. Its the same thing that happened with cd's and cassette tapes. Cd's sound awesome and they get bounced around in peoples cars, nobody has problems with them.

    I didn't write this with the intention of starting a fight or even egging one on, This is just my opinion.

    All indications that I am seeing/hearing are that the new players will be compatible with the current DVD format. It will not matter if its Blu-Ray or HD-DVD format. Your collection is safe.