Posts from kilo 6 in thread „What Is Your Favorite Non John Wayne“

    Hello All
    Ditto on Flyn as a good Robin Hood. Mr Flyn was in Vancouver BC when he died. The man was over 70 and keeping company with teenagers, so the storey goes. That would be enough to kill even a swashbuckler. Kilo--- Sept 15 update to this post. I had his age wrong Mr Flynn was 50 when he passed on. Thanks for the right stats Ringo & Ethan Edwards. As for a controversial life I couldn't say, the only reason I heard about his death was that a chap who was at the party (so he says) was talking about it. I don't know what the bios say but as you are a fan Ringo I will relate what he said. This is not going to be verbatim. Mr Flynn was-- in pain or uncomfortable--(can't remember) and went to a doctor who was --a friend of a friend? The doctor called some people and Mr Flynn found himself in a social event at the doctors house. Mr F did not want this to happen he wanted to rest but went along with it, I think the rest is forgotten but the suggestion was that the doctor instead of helping contributed to his death by pressuring Mr F to socialize. As I said I don't know if there is any truth to this, I did not know the source personally. If it is true it's a real shame.

    I might be tempted to add American Graphiti, Kings of the sun, The War between the Men and the woman ( you have to be in the right mood for that one), Cannery Row, Milagro Beanfield War, and Paint your Wagon ( set in the west but perhaps not so much a western as a Northern). I like Fried green Tomatoes because Mary Stuart Masterson Rocks and also because the actor who plays the sherif Bubba Is Gary Basseraba and we used to spend some time together about 30 plus years ago So you asked for a fav, not a list, well you don't always get what you want eh but as the song goes if you try real hard sometimes you get what you need

    I LIKED a " Man Called Nobody" because a younger character was protecting the reputation of an older character that he respected. I have tried to do the same for the acting of John Wayne. People who take issue with some aspect of his politics will invariably denounce his acting. I point out that he was the number box office draw for longer then any other and all those fans must have seen something they liked. For me a good western portrays a person rising up to the challenge of life. I think we would all agree that its not hard to make mistakes but very hard to consistently work on being decent understanding and strong in your convictions. Some might say that society has left these values behind but I don't agree, I think theres more people trying to do the right thing then otherwise and that the will of the majority will prevail. A western that captures this is more then entertainment
    its something that reinforces whats right in this world. so long Kilo 6
    Hello all this edit (Sept 18th is required as I named the movie wrong) Subsequent research has shown the title is ' My Name is Nobody '. This 1974 film starring Terrence Hill and Henry Fonda IMO is a classic. Perhaps I should place it in the fav non JW western film post. If I remove this one from here I might be tempted to add American Graphiti, Kings of the sun, The War between the Men and the woman ( you have to be in the right mood for that one), Cannery Row, Milagro Beanfield War, and Paint your Wagon ( set in the west but perhaps not so much a western as a Northern). I like Fried green Tomatoes because IMO Mary Stuart Masterson Rocks and also because the actor who plays the sherif Bubba Is Gary Basseraba and we used to spend some time together when youth was a current phenomena.
    So you asked for a fav not a list well you don't always get what you want eh but as the song goes if you try real hard sometimes you get what you need Kilo

    Hello Yet again here is my second edit. When I was going through my posts I looked at the title bar and it doesn't show the full title, it cuts off , western at the end. In a tired state of mind that was ongoing at the time, I thought--great I have posted in the wrong topic, thus the most of the last edit is more then a little confusing. I'm going to leave it as is above. And lastly in a further flagrant abuse of the question favorite as opposed to favorites, I must add Gallipoli and The Light Horsemen.