Posts from Hondo Duke Lane in thread „I'm New Here.“

    kilo 6,

    I seem to have heard about I Married a Woman out some years ago myself, but I could be mistaken, so I've dismissed it, but I have never seen it out, or seen the movie either. You might be lucky and find it on ebay or something like that or maybe at a yard sell or flea market. That's all I think we can do.

    I'll keep my eyes open for it.

    Cheers B)

    kilo 6,

    I want to welcome you aboard on the greatest message boards for a great person, John Wayne.

    As for your request on the three movies for VHS. I'm sorry to say that none of them are available on VHS at this time. Duke makes a cameo appearance on I Married a Woman, and The High & The Mighty and Island in the Sky are being released for the first time on DVD only on August 2nd.

    I am not sure if they are going to release those two on VHS at a later time. By the way, the release will only be in Canada and the U.S.

    As for the chat, if you are interested in chatting, you can send a personal message (pm) if they are on line and invite them to a chat. Most of the time they have time and will be happy to come in and chat. Go to the chat room and have a good time. You can e-mail others if they are no on line and invite them when convenient.

    Hope this helps out.

    Glad to have you here, and happy chatting.

    Cheers Hondo B)


    Let me be the first to welcome you here on this great message board about a great American Legend, John Wayne! We're glad to have you here, and hope you'll feel at home. Just take your time and read about many, many subjects about Duke and other topics. Have any questions, just ask. I promise that your question will be answered.

    Again, welcome aboard!

    Cheers, Hondo B)