Posts from Emmanuel in thread „In Case You Ladies & Gentlemen Have Not Heard...“

    Hi TRk IHW, Jay

    I know the late Pope was the first non Italian in over 400 years, as to the new Pope being German, I don't know. All the talk on TV and in the papers this side of the pond, would have us believing that the next Pope will come from what they call the developing countries, i e Africa. They say that this is because of the increase in the belief of the Catholic religion in that region. The conclave of Cardinals will convene next Monday to start their deliberations on the election.

    in harm's way

    They will have to wait until they elect a new Pope before any decision can be made regarding the elevation of the Pope John-Paul II to sainthood. The new Pope will then make the decision. the large contingent of Polish Catholics at the funeral last Friday were calling for the elevation as soon as possible. A lot of people are already referring to him as Pope John Paul the Great. So I think the Catholics of this world, myself included, will have a new saint sooner rather than later