Posts from Elly in thread „Duke's Missing And Rare Movies“

    Hi Everyone

    Friendship train 1947 Warner bros 12 minutes

    I now have a copy of this and as usual have viewed it but cannot spot JW in it. However, I have it on good authority he was there AND another member also has a copy and if anyone can spot him he will!

    So I will post a screen capture of this when i know what to capture!

    In the meantime you might be interested in the history of the friendship train.

    It made me weep to watch the film, not sure why but I cried buckets. I do recall thinking it would never happen today, but maybe I am wrong about that?

    Hi Hondo and Thanks! If you don't manage to find the post I can always write to universal and ask them again.

    In fact as I like to have the most "official" sources I can, not sure why I did not think to do that myself re all of the ones on the rare & missing list.

    there are only 15 and I can always ask if they have plans to release any of them.

    But I will wait until later today its almost 7am here and I have not been to bed yet so need to get some sleep.

    My notes about WOAN are from The Big Trail
    so we need to view the movie and confirm Duke's appearance.

    Hi Keith

    Well I have spent hours today looking at my poor quality copy of Women of all nations and I am still none the wiser! (but this from the woman who cannot see JW in Bardelys either)

    I have done 2 things to help resolve this

    1. I have ordered 2 more copies of Women of all nations which I am assured are good quality and will view them when they arrive

    2. I have emailed UCLA film & television department to see if they can confirm what Michael J Weldon wrote in his review.

    I will keep you posted on what I find out.

    We have to also realise, that whilst Duke was a prop boy, we could assume that he may have been involved in every production, that was released by the Fox Film Corporation at that time,
    and then the FIlmography could be even bigger!!!

    We therefore must be realistic and try and pinpoint Duke, to actually being involved


    I have taken my sources from books, library catalogues etc. where the association with John Wayne is clearly stated and only included these on my filmography.

    Whilst I have included Tim Lilley as a valuable source, I have not used him as the "be all and end all" authority on John Wayne and his work. I have tried to keep an open mind until it is proven one way or the other.

    With both of these films it does actually state JW was MORE than a prop boy so I think your second point is no longer valid?

    In any event I shall keep these on my own list.

    Hi All

    As a follow up to my last post:

    I could argue that a few more should come off the rare and unavailable list posted on this board.

    I personally am only looking for the following fifteen films AS I HAVE A COPY OF ALL OF THE REST ON THE FILMOGRAPHY ON THIS BOARD


    I have copies of those you have chosen not to include in your filmography such as shorts, where JW was Producer etc

    So, as far as I am concerned and anyone else who wants to send me a PM these FIFTEEN (15) are the truly "RARE & UNAVAILABLE" Films that John Wayne is associated with.

    1. 1929 Forward Pass, the (First National)
    2. 1929 Speakeasy (Fox)
    3. 1929 Strong Boy (Fox)
    4. 1929 Words and Music (Fox)
    5. 1930 Cheer up and Smile (Fox)
    6. 1931 Deceiver, the (Columbia)
    7. 1931 Girls Demand Excitement (Fox)
    8. 1931 Three Girls Lost (Fox)
    9. 1932 Hollywood Handicap, the (Universal)
    10. 1932 Running Hollywood (Universal)
    11. 1932 That’s my Boy (Columbia)
    12. 1932 Voice of Hollywood no 13, The (Tiffany)
    13. 1933 Sweetheart of Sigma Chi aka Girl of my Dreams UK title (Monogram)
    14. 1936 Oregon Trail, the (Republic)
    15. 1937 Adventure’s End (Universal)

    Re items 5, 7 and 8 there is a copy or print or incomplete print in UCLA film & TV archives.

    Re items 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 the status of these films is unknown. Whilst rumours abound of possible prints in private collection these have yet to be offically verified.

    Those on the list I have marked in red (items 1, 2, 4, 14 and 15) are Considered LOST. (a feature film or short film that is no longer known to exist in studio archives, private collections or the archive of, for instance, the Library of Congress, where all American films are deposited for copyright reasons.)

    Hello Keith

    Re: Strong Boy (1929)

    “Wayne was an extra and worked as a prop man.” Landesman, Fred. The John Wayne Filmography. McFarland & Company, Inc., 2007. ISBN 0786432527

    Fords other two films of 1929, Salute and the Black Watch are both associated with JW so it would seem more than likely that what landesman wrote above is correct.

    0n 20 July 2007 you yourself posted this message Keith LOL "These, HAM HAMILTONS COMEDIES, STRONG BOY, THE LONE STAR RANGER These are mentioned by Tim Lilley in The Big Trail. Maybe, maybe, not an actor in them, but still worth of inclusion "

    Re: Women of all nations (1931)

    “The rare Fox production was originally 95 mins. but was cut to 72 mins. before release, eliminating small roles by both Humphrey Bogart and John Wayne (still visible in the background)! It was recently restored (still at 72 mins) by UCLA.” (Michael J. Weldon).…iles/reviews/30s_sk-z.pdf

    Interestingly if you run a google search for a bogart filmography they nearly all list Women of all nations!

    Keith I would be most interested to hear what exactly Tim Lilley said in the big trail about strong boy.

    As I have a copy of the restored version of women of all nations when I get some time I will try to spot JW in the background

    However as you know, My own filmography differs from the official one here on this board in that I consider an "association" by JW as making a film worthy of inclusion on my filmography and of course a place in my collection. By association I mean as Actor, Producer, Director, Crew, himself etc and I also include short films in my list and collection.

    Now this is MY preference and thank the Lord we all different. I am not opening another can of worms and suggesting for one minute that the Filmography on this board be changed. As I said each to thier own.

    But, I see no valid reasons yet why these 2 should come off the list?

    Hopefully doing it right now,
    and I have already moved'Books'
    into the Movie thread and then
    I will move the other lists too.
    Let me kow what else you wnat in there.

    Thanks Keith and Kevin

    it looks great.

    When we get them all up to date it will be something I am sure will attract lots of visitors to the board, particularly if it is picked up during a goole search etc.

    Hi Keith

    I am so sorry it is there on the sticky list I just did not see it when I looked before. My humble apologies and thanks so much for speaking to Kevin about a sub forum.

    All of your efforts are very much appreciated and not just by me :wink_smile:

    I am working on the lists as I write this just having a quick break but as it is 1 am I may need to get some sleep soon.

    Thanks Keith.

    However, my point is that a BODY of work is all encompassing and this is under MOVIE REVIEWS but we have a soundtrack list, TV list, featurette list etc, and somewhere there is a book list that should be amongst it. None of these are movies.

    So imho we should have a prominent place for all of this work. After all it was one of the first things I searched out when I became a collector IE

    What WORK including movies is associated with John Wayne? then I moved onto the wider issue of what books were written about him, what awards did he win etc

    Failing a prominent place then how about including in the subtitle of the Forum called MOVIE REVIEW, a note saying there is a comprehensive and complete list of All JW body of work (amongst other things)

    Also where is the filmography please I did not see it on the sticky list.

    I shall try to get some time over the next few weeks to look at the lists you have made sticky, I suspect they are a wee bit out of date. I shall copy and edit them then email them to you so you can update the sticky list.

    On this subject and as recently metioned by Rough rider the LIST of Rare and lost JW films along with other lists is hard to find!!

    How about this as a forum

    "JOHN WAYNE - his comprehensive Body Of Work"
    subtitle: complete list of JW films, complete list of JW books etc

    If the seperate lists (complete list of JW films, complete list of JW books , complete list of JW awards etc) were sticky items only able to be edited by admin, then we could separate out the discussion?

    It might make it easier to find these and perhaps make JWMB know as the place for the definitive answer!

    And of course we would need a little GEM (wink Keith, Chester, Kevin) to make sure anything going on in other threads, forums, relative to "THE LISTS is incorporated.

    hi Jim

    No I did not think there was any reference to me and therefore you did not offend me. I was just reminding you and others that I am prepared to share what I have.

    Elly, do you think the list should still include the films
    that are now clearly 'Available'?
    or would the list now be better served,and more concise, by just listing
    the movies that are still rare, lost or incomplete?


    If you give me a copule of days I am working on putting together a much more concise list of ONLY those films that I do not have a copy of (which includes the 4 truly LOST at this point in time). I will also provide evidence of why the ones I do not have should be on the list and a reference to where there is a print (eg UCLA)


    Those ones considered "rare" have not been unavailable or highly priced I have ALWAYS said I would provide copies of these at a reasonable price to anyone who wanted one. And in some cases I have given these away free, even paying for the shipping myself.


    For the reason I stated above I would be happy for the list to be more concise and even for a note to be added that I have those considered rare and would be willing to provide copies.

    We certainly would! THANKS for the new info.

    Now have you got copies of these ones you said were on ebay and if so...

    well you know what the next question is dont you:wink:

    Girls Demand Excitement will be shown at the Fox Before the Code festival on December 18/19 at Film Forum, which is located at 209 W Houston Street, between 6th Avenue & Varick, in New York City.

    Perhaps a precursor to a DVD release?

    How nice that would be and there are a few more that Fox could restore and release.

    I have the restored Ford at fox collection which includes Four Sons and they did a great job with that.

    I'd be interested to find out the reasons behind the lack of availability of Red River Range, The Night Riders, Wyoming Outlaw and Frontier Horizon from the 1938 to 1939 time period. These are the newest group of John Wayne's films that I do not have on VHS or DVD.


    I have all of these on DVD and most are pretty good quality PM me as I do a bit of swapping/trading now and then

    Recently I have had four sons, hangmans house and one other ( just forget) from the FORD AT FOX remastered collection and they really are remastered, superb quality viewing. But the cost and the shipping from US on top is way up there.

    I have had some things from Ron in the past and as he says often the quality is better that I had so worth taking a look? I know he sells his stuff I prefer, where I can to trade rather than buy.

    My list of what I have and what I am looking for is posted on this site if anyone is interested in trading with me please?

    For those that are interested, I have most all of John's old rare films on DVD. My email address is [email protected] All of the films come with a collectors case and great orginal art work on the case and the DVD. I sell them in the states for $13.95 and have over 400 customers on ebay with out one negative comment. If you want one of his old rare films, send me an email and we can see what you need. Thanks, Ron

    I just had delivery of 22 of these from Ron. Excellent service, great communication and the quality ranges from same as VHS to near DVD quality. (all bar 2 but these ones, Bardelys and Mother Machree, are VERY RARE)

    I am very pleased to have upgraded my collection at such a reasonable price.

    Hi everyone

    1927 Drop kick - VHS - 2000 Nostalgia family video, 69 minutes (tinted!) $14.99

    1926 Brown of Harvard - VHS 1996 Critics choice video masterpeice collection, 85 minutes B&W, silent $19.99

    As far as I remember from those ancient times when I last watched these on video the quality was watchable.

    Both available from Life is a movie inc.

    I can personally recommend this company for providing fair pricing, good quality products, excellent service and fast delivery.

    I am sure that a search of thier website or an email to Christine Bayly will turn up other JW items.
