Posts from DakotaSurfer in thread „Duke's Missing And Rare Movies“

    I found the book cheaper on Barnes and Noble... $31.96 And I'm suppose to get it in a couple days. I basically want it for the release order but my list won't change. I spent over an hour last night and went through every book I have that has Duke's filmography in it... some of them don't even have the last dozen or so movies since they came out before Duke passed but even those never mentioned the 5 in question. AFI, NYTimes, UCLA Archive, about 6 books with a filmography, Official JW Site are all the places I checked. If they are listed in this book I'm waiting for it will be the first that lists them.

    There are a handful of movies that will never be complete, the UCLA archives show which ones are for instance missing reels and such. Some are in very poor condition. If you ever give up on Amazon try B&N, I know they have it.

    I am also waiting for my copy of the filmography you mentioned... the table of contents alone has me drooling waiting to see the back sections of the book. I don't think anything will change but I do want a good listing by release date and revenue numbers.

    Table of Contents
    The Films of John Wayne........................................................7
    Appendix A....The Films in Order of Release.......................417
    Appendix B....Unrealized Films with John Wayne as Star....419
    Appendix C....The Biggest Box Office Hits..........................423
    Appendix D....The Films Most Popular on Television...........425

    I'm not "knocking" anything... as many people say on here we are all entitled to our opinions. I simply stated mine and the reason why. I'm saying the majority of the books do not reference these items at all so I use another list which is my choice. I'm sure a lot of work went into a lot of things but there will always be controversy as to what should or shouldn't be counted. That can't be stopped and it shouldn't be stopped since we are all entitled to our opinions. I'll use one final reference, even the official site doesn't list them. And I had nothing to do with that list, Ethan and the office did. They have the other old movies like Annie Laurie, Mother Macgree, Great K&A Train Robbery and others but not the five I mentioned.

    If I'm going to be scolded for stating my opinion then what's the use of even posting. And I brought it up in here because this Hamilton shorts is one of the controversies. I'm not flaming or spamming simply stating an opinion. And we'll never agree because we never have agreed since another controversy.

    All the books I have that show JW's films those are not listed and neither are 4 others from the filmography list on here. I have his film count at 167 where he can be actually seen in the film even if it's very brief. And how can you count small little 20 min. comedy skits? So I don't even include these 5 in my spreadsheets. I checked AFI's Catalog and even the giant NY Times FilmTracker both of which are more reputable than IMDB.

    1929. STRONG BOY- (Fox)
    1930. THE LONE STAR RANGER- (Fox)
    1931. WOMEN OF ALL NATIONS- (Fox)

    TCM will be showing Central Airport tomorrow morning at 11 am, est. It appears John Wayne had a very small part in this movie and apparently not credited.

    Well, the movie was on TV this morning like you said... overall it was a pretty good movie. Duke is uncredited. I didn't watch it close enough to see him because I was more upset about the fact that the audio was lagging by at least 1 second or so and it was very noticeable. The good news is I was able to burn it to a DVD, then pull it off that DVD and encoded it to an avi file. Then using VirtualDubMode software and setting the audio lag to -1000 ms it totally fixed the audio problem. So whatever software you use to fix problems like this, the time you need to set is the audio lags by 1000 ms. Another movie into my collection.

    I wouldn't trust iMDB as much as I would the books I got the filmographies from and the AFI's info. That other thread is a year old. I don't need to check the other thread when I know what I am using as a filmography list. I don't collect 20 min comedy skits or movies that don't even list him as uncredited.

    Everyone has their own list... all I know they are not listed in mine because I see no written proof in any of the books I have that he was ever in them. If Tim put them in his books then fine, but I have 5 others that dispute that list. For me to add them would be adding something that hasn't been proven. So far every movie I have and have watched even if it's only for a couple seconds, I have seen him in the movie. They even printed a filmography in the Winterset program we could buy during the celebration and those are not listed in there either.

    There's another place I checked and that's the AFI's master catalog. He's not listed there either and they keep some pretty extensive records. John Ford directed one of them (Strong Boy) but the HAM HAMILTONS wasn't even listed since they weren't classified as movies. Short comedy clips...

    Three of them that don't match I don't think he was in as an actor.


    These three are not in any of my books. I took my filmography from Duke: A Life In Pictures and iMDB matches my list as well. Along with 3 other books I just checked:

    Duke: The John Wayne Album
    John Wayne: A Tribute
    The Complete Films of John Wayne

    So that's 5 sources for me and no mention of those three movies. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just a crew member on those. I have those 18 pre-The Big Trail on my list but I'm really only interested in getting the movies starting with The Big Trail since it was his first starring role.Using that list I have 93% of his movies on DVD.

    I was able to record "Central Airport" this morning but the sound was very badly out-of-sync. I'll have to run it through my Virtual DubMode software and get the voice in sync with the picture. Other than that it was a good copy of the film.

    There are about 18 movies before The Big Trail...

    These I have on DVD:

    The Great K&A Train Robbery - 1926
    Brown of Harvard - 1926
    The Drop Kick - 1927
    Hangman's House - 1928
    Salute - 1929
    Noah's Ark - 1929
    he Black Watch - 1929
    Born Reckless - 1930

    These I don't but are working on it to get them:

    Bardelys the Magnificent - 1926
    Annie Laurie - 1927
    Mother Machree - 1928
    Four Sons - 1928
    Words and Music - 1929
    Speakeasy - 1929
    The Forward Pass - 1929
    Rough Romance - 1930
    Men Without Women - 1930
    Cheer Up and Smile - 1930