Posts from BenFerko in thread „For You Gun Enthusiasts“

    Hello Emmanuel,

    I'm glad you asked that question. Gun ownership in America has prevented more crimes than the media is willing to report. The only thing bad about it is some folks aren't well equipped to secure their firearms, as they should, but really they are few. A person doesn't really have to own one but just live in an area that allows ownership to benefit from the deterrence effect. Home robbers don't want trouble they want to get what they came for, be it goods or rape, and if they think that there is a possibility that you are armed...well...they'll just as soon go to another neighborhood instead.

    Places were this doesn't work too well is areas that allow gun ownership but limit the homeowners ability to use it for protection, ie: too many rules and such. Governor Jeb Bush in Florida was right to allow homeowners to go on the offensive if they are threatened in their homes. Just watch the crime levels drop, in homes, in that area. The media wont want to talk about that either.(Ha,ha) - Ben Ferko