Posts from BenFerko in thread „Rip“

    Thank you, Hondo Duke Lane, for starting this topic of discussion. Eddie was a member of some of the last great old school ones still with us. It is a shame that not only these talents but the studios and writers of their time are all gone. The Hollywood of today is so caught up in political agenda's and pushing "gay rights", what ever that is, that they will never go back to the way it was. Especially in this sue happy culture with so many attorneys chomping at the bit to make a name for themselves. ACLU and such.

    I remember a day when attorneys were someone you called for consulting on a matter in question. The person hiring the attorney always made the final decision wether the attorney liked it or not. Somewhere along the line, our culture decided that a person whom held public office, ie..Senator or Congressman, had also better be an attorney. The majority of which they are today. Just look at the latest performance of the self appointed "Magnificent 14" did in the Senate the other day. What a bunch of losers. There is a time and place for compromise and this was definitely not one of them. The blind leading the blind you might say. What can we do other than vote and discuss it? Not much I fear. Attorneys need to be put back in their place along with the Judicial Branch of Government. Start reading our Constitution for a change of pace. I digress.

    Oh, for the days of simpler times. Good bye Eddie. You will be missed. - Ben