Posts from DukesCousin35 in thread „John Wayne(marion Michael Morrison)“

    Howdy all, I wanted to join the forum and say that this is wonderful that everyone is keeping my cousins legend alive. I am also from Iowa but was more down Ottumwa my father gave me the name Michael after John Wayne. Later in life my father took me to see John perform on set and I remember a tall man with a deep voice walk up and looked down at me as my father told him this was a family member and John Wayne picked me up and said"Son Someday you will be a star" I will never forget that face when I was little with that deep voice and how tall this man was to me being young that I was I was like wow big giant lol Later in life I attended College in Acting and ever since I have been in Theatre and someday be famous as the Duke God bless that man and god bless the fans out there.