Posts from Stumpy in thread „Do You Believe They Put A Man On The Moon?“


    Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Jul 18 2005, 04:35 PM
    When you look at all the technological advances made in the past thirty or forty years, and then realize that at least 75 to 80% of them derive from the space program in some way or another, it becomes mind-boggling.
    Cheers - Jay :D


    What's really mind boggling is when I pay the extortion money each April 15th.

    I think what Chester and I are referring to is defense is the only legitimate function of the national government, PV. Over the 216 years the U.S. has existed, Washington D.C. has usurped almost all governmental powers in the United States, which is in direct violation of our Constitution. The U.S. Constitution grants very limited powers to the federal government but activist judges and politicians have, in effect, ignored the constitutional restrictions placed on the federal government and passed various laws taking away state powers and placing them at the federal level. This infuriates most conservatives like me because I'm a firm believer in the federalism (which is a system whereby the state governments and central government share power and responsibilities) laid out in our Constitution.

    As Viper says, I know where you're comin' from, Emmanuel, but we're gonna have to agree to disagree.

    I'm a hardrock fiscal conservative and just hate to see the government spend money on what I think are foolish ventures. Those would include practically everything except national defense. ;)


    Originally posted by Hondo Duke Lane@Jul 16 2005, 11:32 AM
    The government has stifled everything in the name of progress.

    When I was in the service, we had a saying with which I totally agree: "Everything the government touches turns to sh** (excrement)."


    Originally posted by SXViper@Jul 15 2005, 08:32 PM
    I guess allot of us are dreamers sometimes.

    Those who know me best would never, ever accuse me of being a dreamer. Wet blanket maybe, but definitely not the dreamer type.

    Like I said, for me there has to be a large degree of rationality before I can support anything involving the expenditure of hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars. No to mention the loss of several lives.

    All you supporters of the NASA Follies remind me of those folks who, when asked why they climb Mount Everest, reply "Because its' there".

    Well, as an avid admirer of the Scottish philosopher and pragmatist David Hume, that's not good enough for me. I'm a firm believer in rationality and climbing Mt. Everest just because its there is not very rational in my books. Sorry folks.


    Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Jul 15 2005, 09:16 AM
    Looks like I'm in the minority so far in that I firmly support our space program.

    No, Jay, unfortunately people like you are in the majority. Otherwise, those clowns in Washington would stop funding that boondoggle.


    Originally posted by SXViper@Jul 15 2005, 05:56 AM
    there are a few things that have been developed for use on earth. Like tang for instance!!!

    And those [very] few things that have developed for use on earth cost billions of dollars that could have been better spent for needs right here on old terra firma.

    My in-laws were visiting from Germany when the first moon landing was made. My mother-in-law believed until the day she died (in 1985) that it was all a hoax.

    My personal feeling about the entire space program is that it's one of the biggest wastes of money the clowns in Washington have ever made. And they waste money like it's going out of style.