Posts from Peridot in thread „The Cancer That Killed Him“

    There's been a great deal of speculation about radiation from that site contributing to the deaths of the actors working on that film. Their smoking habits caused their cancer without the need for a contribution from residual radiation from bomb testing. Had there been any significant radiation remaining on site, it would have remained closed.

    John Wayne smoked five packs of cigarettes per day. :omg: IMHO we were lucky to have him around as long as we did.

    MythBusters, a scientific investigative television series, borrowed a costume from The Conquerer and subjected it to 21st Century testing. There would have been a great deal of residual radiation remaining on it if the crew had been exposed to carcinogenic radiation in the desert. There was only background radiation on the garment.

    Cleaning and storage would not have removed nor reduced contamination from the clothing.