Posts from arthurarnell in thread „What Was Your First John Wayne Movie?“

    Hi Bill

    I agree. It just come out on DVD and its as good today as it was then. I think that its one of those films that collectors will keep for posterity. I hope that the medium of DVD (if thats what it is) will help this to be achieved.



    Hi Kieth

    The thing I remember most was at the Saturday morning picture clubs when the possee was chasing the outlaws and the film would go back and forth on first the outlaws (black hats) when we would all boo, and then on to the possee (white hats) when we would all cheer, and then back and forth to each with alternate booing and cheering. The movie makers of those days knew how to keep a juvenille audience's attention. After the film was over we would all ride down the street on an imaginary horse going 9omph firing shots with our finger, that fired fifty rounds a minute always richocted off of non exixting walls and never needed reloading.

    If Duke Roy Rogers, Gene Autry and the rest of the stars of yesteryear are ever held to ridicule, the experts only needed to look at every picture house in every town city or village in England at 12 o'clock on a Saturday morning to know what pure innocent enjoyment really is, or am I just being naive.



    Hi Bill

    I can't go back that far but mune was either Wake of the Red witch or The Fighting Kentuckian, both of which are still favourites of mine. I suppose I would have been about eight or nine and like ethan saw them second or third time around at the local flea pit.

