Posts from Stumpy in thread „What Was Your First John Wayne Movie?“

    It's been probably 60 years since I saw my first John Wayne movie so it's hard to remember. But I think it was probably "They Were Expendable". Or possibly "Tycoon" or "Fort Apache". All I can really remember for sure was that it was sometime during the period 1945-1948 after WW2 ended.


    Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Aug 19 2005, 03:01 PM
    That sounds like the way we saw movies when I was a kid. Our local neighborhood theater would have a Saturday matinee each week - a cartoon, a serial chapter and one or two features, mostly westerns that ran around an hour each. A lot of nostalgia thinking about this!
    Cheers - Jay :D


    Back in the late Forties and early Fifties, I used to spend entire Saturday afternoons in the theater watching B grade westerns (Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Hopalong Cassidy, Lash Larue, and others). And like Arthur and Keith said, we'd all whoop and holler throughout the showing. (They'd kick you out of a theater for that now.)

    Back then, kids under 12 could get in for a dime, while popcorn was another dime and soft drinks a nickel. Naturally, everybody lied about their age, even though adult admissions were only a quarter if I remember right.

    My most impressionable years between 6 and about 14 were spent on an oil lease in the country with my grandparents. Grandpa bought me an old one-eyed mare to ride and I roamed all over the countryside on that horse. Lived a Tom Sawyer-like existence. Except for going to school, I was free as the breeze. Ah, for the good old days of yesteryear.

    In fits and spurts, I'm working on an autobiography. Myd kids will probably be slightly shocked when they read it. :lol: :lol:

    What's odd is how similar the experiences of English youngsters was to that of American kids. Sounds almost exactly the same.