Posts from luckynedpepper in thread „General age of the fans who love Duke“

    my grandma is 89 years old and she likes John Wayne but after spending 60 years with my grandad watching Duke films she's bound to like him :wink_smile:

    azmet, WELCOME to the Original John Wayne Message Board! We look forward to seeing you around!

    luckynedpepper, I can't tell you how encouraging it is to us "older" folks that there are younger folks around who love and admire John Wayne - that means the memory of John Wayne will endure a good long time!!

    Chester :newyear:

    Chester, i hope i didn't offend you when i mentioned the "older" folks as this was just a figure of speech and no harm was meant to anyone.Hey what does it matter how old or young anyone is,we are all fans of Duke.
    Apologies again luckynedpepper

    Hi everyone,
    very interested in this age of duke fans poll.there is a lot of fans in my own age range of 30 to 40 which was a bit of a surprise as i thought most fans would be slightly older.
    great to see more fans of my age and younger.just goes to show duke has fans all across the ages which is great and he will continue to attract new fans due to his movies and his standing as a great man.
