Posts from chester7777 in thread „General age of the fans who love Duke“

    I know when that poll was first put up, our son was also too young (like smokey's). He is 21 now and I think he would consider himself a John Wayne fan still. Maybe it IS time to update the poll. I know I was in a different age bracket back in 2003.

    Maybe an idea to make the poll more "timeless" would be to put brackets of birth years instead of age brackets. My birth YEAR won't change over time, but certainly my age bracket will.

    Bob, I think that when I first entered my age in the poll, I may have been in the previous age group, but I just turned 61 in December myself.

    I'm real happy to see all the 'youngsters' though - it means Duke's memory should live on for a good long time!

    Ned, I think most who are 90+ years old are probably not using a computer . . . :wink_smile:. I know that one of our members, Harold, is over 80. He hasn't been around for awhile, though . . . .

    Chester :newyear:

    Hey, we are thrilled to see big numbers in the lower age brackets - it means Duke's legacy is going to continue for a good long time.

    As to why there are not as many in the older brackets . . . there are many older folks who don't have computers or not as computer literate as younger folks. We are blessed to have some very computer-savvy senior citizens here!!

    Chester :newyear:

    azmet, WELCOME to the Original John Wayne Message Board! We look forward to seeing you around!

    luckynedpepper, I can't tell you how encouraging it is to us "older" folks that there are younger folks around who love and admire John Wayne - that means the memory of John Wayne will endure a good long time!!

    Chester :newyear:


    A big welcome to you! Always glad to have new members, and especially happy when you younger folks join in. It means Duke's legacy will continue on for a good long time.

    Chester :newyear:

    dc65, Ravenslight, txlady0316, John_Wayne_saddleup!, and Redcap,

    Welcome to you ALL!! As you can see, John Wayne's appeal continues to cover a wide range of folks! We're glad you joined us!

    John_Wayne_saddleup!, please keep us updated on your surgery, and we wish you the best.

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

    Mustang Gregg,

    I see you have been a member of the message board for quite awhile, but have just made your very first post! We're glad to see you finally get your feet wet and join us!

    Consider this your first official on-board welcome to the John Wayne Message Board, without a doubt the best of its kind on the 'Net!

    We hope you'll become a regular around this here corral :D !

    Chester :newyear: (58) and the Mrs. :angel1: (49)

    Moonshine_Sally and cidm,

    We'd like to welcome you both to the John Wayne Message Board, the best of its kind this side of dot com! We can understand your feelings about the Duke, as we all have them ourselves (as you are discovering as you read the many posts here!).

    cidm - Chilibill has definitely been an asset to this board and its been a real pleasure as he has shared his memories of time spent with John Wayne in years past.

    We look forward to getting to know both of you better, as we read your posts!

    Again . . . WELCOME!!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:


    We'd like to also extend a big WELCOME to the John Wayne Message Board!

    We're happy you've found us, and we hope you will stay around for awhile.

    Where do you teach, and what class? I sure would like to have my two teens taking a class that uses a John Wayne movie to teach :D !

    We look forward to "meeting" again!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:


    Howdy, and a big welcome to the John Wayne Message Board!

    That was a funny story you shared. I can imagine all the excitement amongst the sailors, having been one myself, thinking they were going to be in a John Wayne movie. The closest I got to stardom in the Navy was that Bob Hope's son was one of my shipmates, and took a karate class with me in Sasebo, Japan.

    I'm curious about your attached picture. Is there a web site that has that? I am assuming there is. Please tell us more about it. My dad was a WWII Navy veteran, and I think would be neat to put his picture there, too. BTW, are your mom and dad still alive?

    Well, we hope you decide to stay around and keep us company!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

    It's the broccoli, smokey, it's the broccoli! Once I stopped eating broccoli, we haven't had any more kids. :D

    The sad thing is, I love broccoli and I love kids, especially with mayonnaise (the broccoli, not the kids :lol: ).

    Then I heard an official report that broccoli helps retain memory and perhaps helps to avoid Alzheimers disease (which seems to run rampant in my family). So I have this big dilemma - retaining my memory and knowing who my wife and kids are into my golden, olden years . . . or having more kids than the old woman in the shoe, but not knowing who they are :D . But wait - if I eat more broccoli, we might have more kids, but I WILL know who they are :headbonk: .

    Hm-m-m-m-m, what time does the farmer's market open this morning? And where's the mayonnaise? :rolleyes:

    Chester :newyear:

    little orange,

    We, too, would like to welcome you to the John Wayne Message Board. If you browse the threads a little, you will become acquainted with our very own Chilibill, a little past 70 himself.

    We look forward to seeing you around again soon!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

    GW McLintock,

    WELCOME to the John Wayne Message Board - it's always good to have new, young blood! We hope you will take the time to check out some of the other topics in the Newbie forum, and give us a chance to get to know you a little better.

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:


    Originally posted by ethanedwards@May 2 2005, 02:41 AM
    Guess when I post this, Hondo and Chester, will still be snoozing . . .


    You got that right! According to my computer, you posted at 2:41 AM my time :dead: .

    I'm assuming you voted in the poll, but I don't think you stated your (at least approximate) age. I'm judging from your comments that you might be among the slightly older set (how old are your children, and how many of them are Duke fans?).

    As for our family, though I have 6 kids ranging in age from 25 down to 6, it is only the almost 9 year old is a big fan, along with me and my wife.

    Chester :newyear:


    Originally posted by ethanedwards@May 1 2005, 02:43 PM
    As a previous posting mentioned, most "mature" people are not on-line, and are not PC minded. If it were a postal vote, i'm sure your figures, would be different!



    We would like to add our welcome to those you have already received. We've really enjoyed your posts so far, and look forward to hearing more from you.

    We were wondering, where is Torquay in relation to Portsmouth? As you may have noticed already, one of our moderators, arthurarnell, is from Portsmouth, England. We have several other members from the UK, and from around the world - truly a world-wide community of Duke lovers!

    As for the Mrs. and myself, we are of the "more mature" variety. Some of our members are older than spit (that's not quite as old as dirt :rolleyes: ). But you are quite right when you point out that there are many younger folks coming to know the Duke as we have come to know him (thanks to cable and satellite TV, and those John Wayne movie marathons).

    Again - WELCOME!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:


    Welcome to the John Wayne Message Board! We need more angels around here :rolleyes: !

    Do you live close to your dad? Is he computer savvy? Maybe he could join in on the discussion, too - that would be great.

    Chester and our youngest daughter have an age spread similar to your and your dad - he hopes that someday she might like the Duke the way he does (currently it's our almost 9 year old son who is the big fan among our children).

    We look forward to hearing more from you in the future!

    Mrs. C :angel1: (I've been signing with this smiley for a long time, but if you become real regular, I might just have to surrender it to you and find a different "trademark" :rolleyes:)