Posts from chester7777 in thread „Carl's Update on WWI and WWII Veterans“

    For those who don't know, Carl (aka The Ringo Kid) is our resident 'expert' on things related to the World Wars, and he often posts when members of those generations pass away. I've merged all those threads into one (and renamed it), to make it easier to read about all those who have served to protect world-wide freedom.

    Thanks, Carl, for all your hard work!

    Chester :newyear:

    Sad indeed, that these guys who fought in the big one are no longer with us. Closer to home, on April 15th, my mother's cousin Walter L. Crafford passed on, at the age of 89, after a valiant fight against the flu and pneumonia.

    He was a pilot in WWII also, flying a B-24 in the Pacific theater. The Mrs. and I attended a memorial for him this past weekend. I had forgotten his WWII experience, but when we were at the memorial at his home, I saw again pictures of him and his crew standing in front of the plane. One of the people present commented that Walter said the reason he joined the Army Air Corps was that he really disliked walking! That got a good laugh!

    Chester :newyear:

    . . . and then they were gone.

    I don't mean that irreverently. It just brought to mind that when I was a kid, there were reports of the last Civil War veteran dying. It kind of makes you wonder if there is someplace within the Dept. of Defense where they finally close down some little division because there's nobody left from that war.

    Thanks, Ringo, for sharing the news.

    Chester :newyear:


    Originally posted by Stumpy@Jun 5 2005, 05:39 PM
    Alas, I can't drink alcohol any more because of various medicines I'm taking for health problems but until about two years ago, I went through at least a half-gallon of 90 proof bourbon a week. I also drank it very strong. Sure do miss it.


    Hey, Stumpy, you were just a moderate drinker compared to an older friend of mine and his wife up in Oregon. They consistently put away a quart a day of their favorite whiskey (for the life of me I can't remember the brand, although I can picture the label - they had cases of it stacked up in the garage). Unfortunately, they are no longer with us, as they passed away a couple of years ago.

    So . . . on the brighter side, maybe it's better that you had to give up the stuff. When I'm down with a bad cold, the Mrs. puts a shot of whiskey in a mug, squeezes in the juice of a lemon, puts in a big spoonful of honey, then fills it with hot water - it sure does the trick - and I keep drinking that until I see two lemons . . . thanks, smokey :D.

    Chester :newyear: