Posts from smokey in thread „And I Thought I Lived In An Area Where“

    hi all

    just a thought maybe these egits would show and have more respect for those who have fallen in the service of their countries if they saw their politions children serving for their country instead being kept in some safe place. i also think if this was true then these same people who are so eager to send our young people who choose to serve their counties of to war or as they like to sometimes call them "police actions" it would maybe make them think twice about doing it as it would mean that their own children could be also put in dangers way but then again they could have them put in safe 'behind the lines' postings

    we have had some of these problems like this down under but i have to say they are few and far between and there is a great deal made about these sorts of disrespect for our fallen on all forms of media.

    hope that they catch those who did this and soon

    hooroo smokey