Posts from Senta in thread „The Horse Soldiers (1959)“

    It is one of my favorite movies (even if it is not Fort Apache or The Seachers, I agree, ohbaron). Constance Towers never bothered me, the only thing is - her heavy makeup, but it seems it was customary in a movies of this period. And Duke of course was great in this movie.

    I can't agree that Cavalry trilogy is dated. It is true classic. Horse Soldiers is one of my all time favorites too, even if it is often less regarded as other Ford movies.

    Hi gr1087,
    Thank you for that interesting information. I didn't knew it before.

    Hi Keith and Arthur,
    Great posts! Thank you for them.
    The Horse Soldies is a big favorite of mine and it was a first Duke's picture I saw (the same about Ford). It impressed me greatly and from that point all started. So I cant be critical of objective to that movie, I only love it.
    It is very interesting pint that you mentioned Arthur, about using the guns and showing violence - Marlow are deeply sorry about all force he must do and during rebel attack he cried: I didn't want it...
    And they are very good with Holden together - I like their lines, their crossings..
    Even you were born...
    I want to read original book, even if it is very far from the movie.