Posts from alamo221 in thread „Chuck Roberson“

    Hiya Joe-never thought about it, but Chuck Roberson DOES remind me of Robert Preston a bit too. I always thought Chuck could have made it as an actor. He had a reassuring presence in most of his short acting roles, that would have worked well for him.

    [quote='tinker','']I was really surprised the first time I realised that it was Duke carrying Quincy. I think it was Duke who did the drunk fall off the horse too.

    ***I think that was Jim Burke who took the fall. There's a cut right before and again right after. Then Duke is show on the ground but not quite in the same position as the guy falling off. No real reason to risk Duke especially since it was a backward-type fall where he could have been hurt.

    Roberson did the ride down the cliffs in Hondo, breaking his ankle when Cocaine did the fall in the gully. The fall is done in one take, Roberson and Cocaine go down and Duke who was hiding in the gully stands up.

    ***I may be mis-remembering, but I thought Chuck said in his book that due to his broken ankle, veteran Cliff Lyons actually did that fall into the gully (where Duke was laying unseen). The Duke popped up-very smooth stuntwork regardless!

    You can see it is clearly Chuck Roberson in a couple of the falls in McLintock in the fight in the general store. It is clearly Duke doing the gallop up the hill to the Indian hanging. Chuck Roberson is riding beside him.

    ****I think Roberson doubled Duke in the general store spot due to Duke having hurt his tailbone in the earlier wagon-jump scene.

    "The bucking horse in Hondo is Cocaine, blaze dyed out, with Chuck Roberson on him, with Duke getting on to do the close ups. "

    except you can clearly see Chuck Hayward as the rider, not Roberson.

    Sorry, I stand by my comment. I'm sure Chuck was knocked thru the door , then a cut to Duke laying there. The part when Anderson jumps on Duke's back (and his character has his back to the camera), I'm sure is Chuck. You can usually see the difference in hair between Duke and Chuck (Chuck's head is a bit flatter, and hair is a bit curlier in back, plus on Duke you can usually make out the line between his toupee overlay and real hair). Plus the old addage-if you can't see the star's face, it's probably not him. Great scenes tho-

    One of "Bad" Chuck's last roles was as a John Wayne-type western star who mysteriously dies, on an episode of "Quincy". This was aired a few months after Duke's death as I remember.